Saturday, May 9, 2020

Beautiful Day

Last Sunday was a beautiful day here in Michigan. Temps in the high 70's and very sun shiny!

Rich and I decided to go to Kensington Metro Park to take a walk by the lake. We went fairly early for a  Sunday hoping to avoid any crowds.

Apparently everyone else in the state had the same idea because it was packed! The parking lots were filling up fast and so were the trails.

It's a little hard to keep social distancing when you're  passing someone on a path that's only 6 ft wide, but I didn't care. It was just so nice to get out and enjoy the beautiful day!

A lot of people had masks on but I didn't wear mine. I refuse to wear it outside! How can you enjoy the fresh air with a mask on?

Anyway, tomorrow is Mother's Day. I usually go to the cemetery but I think it may be closed this year!

And of course we will do a backyard visit with Shauna, Brad and the kids.

Can't wait to see them!

One more thing..

If I every win the lottery I am going to have something like this in my house!

Happy Mothers Day to all you mothers out there!

Until the next time stay well and stay safe!


  1. It was the same here last weekend. This weekend, nope. Artic blast and the snow is coming down pretty good, sigh...anyways HAPY MOTHERS DAY!!!

  2. Happy mother's day to you!. Gorgeous place for a walk. I agree, no mask if outdoors. I have to laugh at lobe runners on a deserted street with a mask on. Love that kitchen area. It would be so nice to have it to dine in. I am going to see grandson tomorrow and play with him inside their home. Enough is enough is enough. Son came over last night to pick up something and when he left I gave him a hug. I am taking precautions but for me it is time to start living again.


  3. What a beautiful park. How nice to get out and enjoy some fresh air. I don't wear a mask outside either. I wear it at work because I have to and the second I walk out the door I pull it off.

  4. What a lovely place to walk....for you and everyone else. ;)
    I hope you had a nice Mother's day.
    I've seen that kitchen on Pinterest before; very cool!

  5. I'm so glad you and Rich had a nice walk with beautiful weather! I've been enjoying it here also. In fact, I worked in the yard two days until I pulled my back out. But, it's all good and so glad I mostly finished. And, yeah what's up with people wearing masks outdoors. I don't get that. I tried wearing one in the grocery store and thought I'd never get a good breath. :)



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