Friday, July 31, 2020

This & That

Even with the hot weather we've been having I have been truly enjoying this summer so far! We spend every night sitting on our deck enjoying the evening and watching the hummingbirds come to our feeder. The mosquitos, however have been brutal and I have more mosquito bites this year than I've ever had

All the flowers we planted are doing fantastic, also. Rich regularly waters them morning and evening and I miracle grow them every 2 weeks.  

I'm especially impressed with these petunias  I planted in the Spring. 

That look like this now! 

My next door neighbor gave me this zinnia plant a few days ago. It's so beautiful and has lots of buds on it yet. Too bad it's an annual plant not a perennial or I would plant it in the ground! She works at a nursery so she gets the surplus plants. It's  nice of her to share some with me! 

Chris and is friend were in town for a few days. He left early this morning and I already miss him! 

One good thing about having guests is the guest room gets a good cleaning! This room usually has a bunch of junk on the bed and the box with the Christmas tree sitting on top of the cedar chest. I would like to leave it this way but unfortunately everything will make it's way back in there eventually! 

He enjoyed spending time with Maxwell and Levi. 

Here he is with Maxwell looking at a coloring book. I was busy enjoying having both my kids in the same house so I didn't take many pictures! 

Here's Levi being goofy with his mom! He's such a little ham!!

That's about it for now.

Until the next time..stay safe and stay well!


  1. Pretty flowers! We don't have too many mosquitos here. I don't know if its the 105+ heat or the fact we don't have summer rains. I haven't had one bite this year but thats not always the case when you go up into the mountains.

  2. That zinnia is so pretty! I have a black thumb. All the water and Miracle Gro in the world won't help when I'm the one administering it! Haaaahaha oh well. I do know how to enjoy a gorgeous summer night. Mosquitoes come from miles around to feast upon me. I spray on Cutter Dry and it takes care of the problem. xoxo

  3. Pretty flowers! We bought the Dynatrap off Amazon for mosquito control. It's pricey but it works! Fun times with family are always enjoyable!


  4. Levi is adorable! Your guest room is lovely, and the quilt is beautiful.

  5. I'm the same way when my kids are over. I always think I should get a bunch of pictures but I'm too busy enjoying the company to pick up the camera. Glad you had them there for a visit.

  6. The flowers are beautiful. It is always nice to have a friend visit, smiles. Have a great weekend, friend.

  7. Your flowers are doing well.
    Sounds like you had a great visit with your family.
    Glad all is well.

  8. I love your flowers and what a sweet friend to share her surplus with you. You can have the mosquitos! I'm so sensitive to them, they are my nemesis.
    How sweet having your kiddos home; I know that fills your heart.


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