Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Losing my Ambition

These days I seem to be struggling to do more than the usual cleaning and mundane chores. I think this pandemic is finally getting to me! Anyway, we'll get though somehow!

I have many projects in mind to do but they all are inside things that probably should wait until the weather is to cold to be outside. 

The library is open now so I have spent a lot of time reading on the deck and watching the birds at the feeders. 

We've been having a flock (gang, group not sure what they are called) of Canada geese visit us every day lately to eat the bird seed that is underneath our feeder. 

We even had one of the local stray cats keeping an eye on them, too! 

These two eyeballed each other for quite a while! 

I need to find a way to discourage them from coming here though. They leave their little "presents" all over the lawn and I have to clean it up before the boys come over because they play on the grass! 

Rich and I had a gift card to a fancy Italian restaurant so we decided to go to dinner on Sunday. The food was ok but I like my Italian cooking better! 

Rich had soup and it came in this little pot! I though it was adorable and wanted to take it home! 

We were sitting right by the window and the light was perfect for picture taking. I normally don't like pictures of me but this one is about as good as it's going to get so... I need to wear lipstick though! I've gotten out of the habit since we have to wear masks every where and who would see it anyway? 

Anyway, that's it for now. Shauna is picking me up in an hour and we are taking the boys to the park. They love to play in the sandbox!

Until the next time, stay safe and well, my friends! 


  1. Boy...I shall not even say the truth about me and losing my ambition, sigh...what with all these rules and regulations and feeling is what it is, I guess.

    Great photos, smiles. Hope you have a beautiful day and our library still isn't open and I agree about the masks and why lipstick, but I do anyways.

  2. Sounds like you will have a good day! I love seeing you finally! I don't know how you would even begin to pick up all the Canada goose mess. We have a lot in our city, they are everywhere, all year long. I love that little pot, too! You could both cook and eat from it.

  3. That picture of the cat and goose eyeing each other is great. It must have been interesting to watch them. I haven't worn lipstick or mascara (which used to be a must for me) since I retired. Maybe it's country life or old age, I don't know.

  4. I loved playing in the sand with my kids lol. It is hard to get motivated to do things these days. Just enjoy your retirement. There will be days later on when you will feel like doing projects. We have canadian geese down here year round. I thought they were migrating birds myself.


  5. That is such a cute little pot! :)
    I haven't had any makeup on for months and months!

  6. I can relate to the no ambition. There are so many thing around the house that I can do but I just don't want to.
    I find that the fancy restaurants don't necessarily have the best food, just the highest prices.

  7. Great picture of you.
    I loved the picture of the geese, I know they can be nasty but I wouldn't mind them visiting me, we hear them going over the house but never see any.

  8. I hear you. All of this has been going on long enough for me to have cycled in and out of mild depression, twice. The lack of motivation, ambition all of it, is all part of the mild depression I get going into if I don't take care of myself. For me, that means, staying away from the news, limiting social media, and keeping busy.

    Our restaurants aren't open yet just for outside dining but with 110 temps, it's not helping their business. We do carry out or pizza delivery. On the most part I am having to embrace "cooking again." Ugh!

    Love the birdlife on your lawn - there is a world out there - we just have to look for it.

  9. You look great! I've made the mistake of putting on lipstick and then smearing it all over the inside of my mask. Damnit!
    Save your chores for when you run out of reading material. ;)
    A group of geese is called a GAGGLE. One of favorite terms for some reason...
    I hope you had a great visit with the boys.

  10. It's been a really tough time for sure... and especially in summer, it is hard to get motivated with the heat! What fun to play with the kids! Enjoy your summer days with many blessings to you!

  11. I think you love reading as much as I do. I even read a little while gone over home. And, now that I'm back I wanna go back. Did you read me right? LOL

    Speaking of cats; it appears my daughter has every cat in the neighborhood visit every day, and she feeds all. One is a boy she named Tabitha. Yeah,she's kind of nuts like her mom. :)

    Your photo is PERFECT!


  12. I so understand about the geese! Roger and I have been out a few times to restaurants where we have been the only ones dining. I felt so much better after getting out of the house though. Nice photo of you, it's always nice to see the person talking on a blog. 💖

  13. We have a house in AZ and had a Canadian goose lay her eggs in one of the plant pots in the back yard. She got very aggressive every time we went past!

    I think the lockdown is getting to all of us now.

  14. That little pot really is cute. We stayed at a suites hotel last year while on vacation and they had a kitchenette and the cutest small pot on the stove. I was so taken with it that I read the bottom of it, found it on Amazon, and bought one for my own kitchen. It is by far my favorite pot. I don't wear masks because I can't be without my red lipstick. Pirate! xoxo


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