Wednesday, August 26, 2020

End of Summer Days

 So far, this has been a pretty good summer. I think partially because I am retired and partially because the weather has been beautiful, hot but I never complain about the heat! It's also been nice not to feel like I've worked another gorgeous summer away!

My neighbor next door, who works at a nursery, has been giving me plants all summer long. First a beautiful hanging plant early in the summer and then in the past few weeks she's given me a beautiful zinnia and the other day she gave me this hibiscus that's about 3 feet tall.

Here it is next to the zinnia which is blooming like crazy! 

The hibiscus gets huge blooms that last for a day or two then wilt away!

Here is a comparison to a dinner plate! 

I love it! I don't think I'm going to plant it in the ground this year. I'll probably bring it inside for the winter and figure out what to do in the Spring. I may give it to Shauna to plant at her house. 

The people a few door down from us raise macaws and will occasionally walk them down the street. Its kind of blurry but you can see the lady is holding one in her left hand! They are beautiful birds and apparently they have about 7 of them at any given time!  

Yesterday I washed a pair of shorts that had two gold bracelets in the pocket that I forgot were in there. One of them is completely gone and the other one I found most of it but it's broken and I'm sick about it! Have you ever gotten so mad at yourself you could just spit? That's me right now!

 I have always been notorious for not checking pockets when I do laundry! I have washed more money and papers and kleenex over the years! Anyway, think this note will help? 

That's about it for now. As always I leave you with a picture of my boys! 

Maxwell sleeps in a big boy bed now and so far it's going good. Levi is going to be 2 on September 27th! 

Until the next time...stay safe and well! 


  1. Wow, those flowers are beautiful. Yeah, I had to write myself a note and stick it on the cupboard above the washer, lol. Every time one of the guys leaves change or whatever, I'm like, "THANKS GUYS FOR THE TIP!" LOL--but ya know, I still forget, grin.

    Have a beautiful day friend.

  2. That is a beautiful hibiscus plant! Your boys are so cute!

  3. Your boys are so beautiful, you are truly blessed. You have an awesome neigbhor. Once our son left a big light bulb in his pocket, and it broke all through the dryer.

  4. How nice of your neighbor. Both plants are beautiful. Don't think I've ever seen a hibiscus bloom that big. I had one last summer but the blooms were not that big, and it died over the winter. Oh, I have washed so many kleenex it's not funny. and what a mess to clean off everything. :)

  5. So cute with the grandsons! Beautiful plants you were given and growing! This summer flew by which is kind of funny with places still closed here like water parks and movie theaters. I hope our parks playgrounds reopen for when we get some nice weather starting next month when temps cool off a bit.


  6. How nice that your neighbor brings you all those plants. Those hibiscus are huge. I don't think I've ever seen one that big.
    Love the picture of the boys, they're so cute

  7. Nice to have neighbors who work at a nursery! :)
    WOW that is a huge blossom!!
    My mom used to say 'I'm so mad I could spit'

  8. Those boys are adorable, but don't tell them I said so, as I have a feeling that's not a boy thing. I'm glad you are enjoying your retirement and the whole summer not having to be at work. I've been retired for so long now, I can't even remember what it was like to get up and go to work every week day.

  9. What beautiful flowers. The grandsons are adorable and yay on moving to a big boy bed, that is always a big thing :)

  10. Dang it about your bracelets!!

    I have hibiscus here, but none have blooms THAT size-what a sweet neighbor to share with you.

    How funny about walking the birds. :) Who knew they could do that?

    Cute boys---but you already knew that.

  11. Ohhhhh... what gorgeous precious boys, Jeanette!! And flowers too. What a great neighbor to have... one that gives growing things freely. Love, Andrea xoxo

  12. Oh no, about the gold bracelets. I've done that before. Raising 3 little boys, I always had to check pockets and the things I found, were gross. Now I should check the husband's pockets but I feel he is a grown-up and should do it himself. So yes, I've washed and dried watches, nail clippers, kleenex, shopping lists, nails, pretty rocks, marker pens (NOT GOOD), etc. The money, I keep! I have a little vintage piggy bank in my laundry room where I put all loose coins and I even stuff in the dollar bills. I figure that is my FEE for doing the laundry.

  13. That hibiscus is gorgeous! How nice of your neighbor to bring you plants. That's too bad about your bracelets. I once left my debit card in a pocket and washed it. It showed up 8 years later when we had repair work done on the washing machine! My husband is always leaving things in his pockets. He has a little Swiss pocket knife that has been through the washer and dryer many times and it's still in good shape. Your grandsons are adorable! Enjoy them because I swear grandchildren grow up twice as fast as our children did! Oh, and thanks for visiting my blog!

  14. Such darling children! And yes I have been angry with myself more than once for what goes into the laundry that is not supposed to. I cannot believe the size of that hibiscus flower! Just incredible. They are such dependable, happy flowers. xoxo


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