Thursday, September 24, 2020

Another Thing Done

 We finally got our deck stained after it has been weighing on my mind all summer! 

I wrote about how we built it in 4 posts starting  here, if you care to read about it. I was so proud of Rich (and myself too!) because he never built a deck before and did a really good job! I helped but he did the majority of the work! 

We built it with treated lumber so we wouldn't have to stain or paint it for a while. It took me all Winter and most of the summer to decide if we should paint or stain. 

We finally decided to stain it figuring we could always paint it later if we changed our mind. I always liked the way the wood looked when it was wet so we decided to just use a transparent waterproofing stain on it.

Here is the deck after we scrubbed it off with a solution of  water, Oxyclean and Dawn dish soap and let it dry. It was so dirty! 


And here is it after two coats of stain. 

It looks exactly the way I wanted it to!  We're happy with it and I am so glad to get this project off of my mind!

We have a busy weekend ahead. Friday I'm getting my hair done and having lunch with a friend. Saturday is Levi's 2nd birthday party with just the grandparents and Sunday I'm working! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. Happy early birthday to Levi.
    The deck looks amazing, I like how that wood looks.

  2. Such a good feeling to get a project done like that.

  3. How fun with the birthday party! Deck looks great!!!


  4. The stain makes a beautiful difference! Makes it look so much smoother, with a pretty matte finish.

  5. Oh what a beautiful deck... and what a great job you & Rich did! I love it! You indeed should be proud of yourselves. Now you know what you can do if you ever need a side job!! *haha* ~Andrea xoxo

  6. It looks great. I need to get my deck power washed and stained. It's starting to look really bad.

  7. You guys did such a great job building the deck, but man, oh man, the stain makes it SHINE. And I don't mean's awesome. Have a great day and I can't wait to see pics of the birthday party.

  8. Wow that's beautiful and really well done.I like the stained look.

  9. Beautiful. I hope you have a beautiful Sunday, friend.

  10. What a great looking deck! And all the better knowing you two built it with your own hands, hard labor & many blisters!! You should be proud. (I'm sure you are)

  11. Congrats on the deck, it's pretty brave to build one for the first time and it looks great.

  12. That looks fantastic! Isn't it nice when things work out the way you envisioned, or better? xoxo


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