Saturday, September 5, 2020

Employed Once Again

 Yes, according to the title of this post I now have a part-time job!

My daughter forwarded me an ad she saw on FB for cashiers at a local cider mill. I figured I would apply and see what happened. I do have cashier experience but it's been a really long time! 

I emailed the owner and they sent me an application. I filled it out and sent it back to them and a couple hours later she emailed me asking if I could start training the next day! 

So I am now employed at Parmenters Cider Mill in Northville, MI.

So far I've worked three days. It's drive thru only because due to Covid restrictions they are not allowed to have more than 100 people on the property at one time. 

Cider Mills are very popular here in Michigan this time of year and to try to keep the crowed limited would be impossible!  

It's hard to tell from this picture but the apple crates are set up so the cars line up in a backward S-shape and there are three stations for them to pull up to. 

They pull up to my station, give me their order, pay me and then pull forward and they have runners who run their orders out to them in their cars.  

My job is to just stand there and take the orders. It's all computerized. The orders print out in the building and someone brings the food out to the customers in their cars.  It's simple and for the most part people are pretty nice! They are happy to have the cider mill open because several others in the area are not going to open at all this year!

Us Michiganders love our cider and doughnuts in the Fall!

The only problem is there is a lot of wasps around and they are a nuisance! If  I make it through without getting stung it will be a miracle! 

Also, right now the weather is pretty nice but later on it's apt to get pretty darn cold standing out there! 

I work 2-3 days a week and usually for a 6-hour shift. 

The best part is it's a seasonal job that only lasts until November 22! Done in time for the holidays! 

It feels really good to be doing something again and to be earning a little money!

Until the next time stay safe and well!


  1. How fun! The cider mills are starting to go strong right now.

  2. Sounds like a great part time job except for the wasps! And the money earned will help out for the holidays! Have fun with it!


  3. Congratulations! It sounds like a pretty perfect job! And it looks like it's in a beautiful area, from what I can see. You may want to put some insect repellant on before leaving for work!

  4. Wonderful! Just what you need right now!💖

  5. AWESOME!!!! I am not even sure if our mills are open, you know, being still in shutdown. Smiles

  6. It sounds like a fun and unusual job. I imagine people should be in a good mood gettig some cider, such an autumn tradition. Our towns in famous for its apples too, and cider, of course. I don't know how they are selling it now.

  7. Oh how simply PERFECT, Jeanette!! I would LOVE to be doing something like that. Outdoors in autumn = heaven to me. I'm guessing the wasps are coming for the sweet apple juice. Be careful. We go to Jollay Orchard in Coloma with our oldest & her family each year, to pick apples and partake in their fresh homemade pumpkin donuts. It's the highlight of my year! Enjoy your new temporary job and breathe in some nice fresh autumn air for me. Love, Andrea xoxo

  8. Great news! Seems perfect for you at this time!!

  9. That sounds like it would be a fun job and only 2 or 3 days a week isn't bad. I could go for some cider right now

  10. Congratulations on the new job, it sounds like fun except for the wasp.

  11. That sounds like the perfect scenario for you...well minus the wasps!
    I had to google what it was, because we don't have those in Florida. :)


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