Sunday, November 29, 2020

All Decorated Up

We had a nice Thanksgiving and I ate too much as usual! 

On Friday I put up the rest of the Christmas decorations. I used to collect small Christmas trees but I've decided to stop collecting those.  I gave some to Shauna and one to my friend Marie and the rest of them I just distributed all over the house. I do like my miniature tree though. 

Every year I buy one miniature ornament from Hallmark. This little butterfly is my ornament this year. It's pretty enough to be a necklace!

This is the ceramic tree my mom made a long time ago and a couple of my left over small trees, along with my echo. I should decorate that too! I asked Alexa if she would like to be decorated and she said, "Sorry, I don't know that" so I guess she doesn't care! 

This is my snowman collection including the new one I bought a few weeks ago and told you about earlier! 

I have them displayed on the built in bookcases in our family room. Not too sure I like the beading around them, though. It looked good last year when I had them around the small trees but not so much for the snowmen. I may change that. 

This is the personalized ornament we got for Levi this year. 

And this is the one we got for Maxwell.

That's about it for now. 

Got about 1/3 of my Christmas shopping done which is a record for me! It's supposed to be 50 degrees today (Sunday) so we are going to put some Christmas lights up outside. I'll show you in my next post 

Until then stay safe and be well! 


  1. Your home looks so pretty, Jeanette. I love your miniature tree and new ornament... so dainty and pretty. Ah yes, the ceramic tree. I have one too, that I made for my mom back in the 80s and inherited once she passed. I'd say I got rid of about 1/3 of my Christmas decorations a few years ago, in an attempt to scale down. The older I get, the more simple I'm becoming. I used to decorate everywhere, right down to the Christmas bathroom shower curtain (*haha*), but not anymore. I think it's that the grandgirls are 12yo & 9yo now and aren't quite as excited over the decorations. I have a dozen of those animated stuffed figures that you push a button in their hand or whatever and they play a song & move? Well, it's a big deal to get batteries for all of them, put them in, and then take them out again after Christmas. I noticed that last year the grandgirls didn't push the buttons once. They used to do it constantly when they were little. And naturally, with the virus, no one is coming into our home this year so.... I'm sure by next Christmas those animated figures won't even be given a second glance. I'm expecting a second "purge" of another 1/3 of my decorations to be happening soon. :-) Anyway, how did I get on that tangent, eh?!! Your home is beautiful!! ~Andrea xoxo

  2. Pretty decorations! How cute with the personalized ornaments for your grands! Great tradition. I like your butterfly ornament too :)


  3. LOVE IT!!! (you probably heard that all the way in Michigan, grin). I am really loving looking at everyone's blogs and seeing Christmas decorations, smiles. Have a great week, friend...and p.s. I love snowmen too.

  4. I love the first sweet little tree! And why not make the butterfly a necklace when spring comes? I have a very similar snowman collection, but have not found a place for them this year. Cannot WAIT to see your lights!

  5. You are way ahead of me. I did think about getting stuff out Saturday but then decided to wait. LOL on asking Alexa if she wanted to be decorated.

  6. I really like your little trees. And the boys must be so looking forward to Christmas with a lot of excitement.

  7. Beautiful little trees, the boys' ornaments are so cute.

  8. I love your miniature trees and of course, that butterfly ornament is perfect!
    Your home looks so nice and festive. I'm way behind!
    My Grandma used to get the personalized ornaments for myself and then my girls; this is a lovely tradition and the boys will enjoy them forever.

  9. Everything looks fantastic. I love your mom's ceramic tree! Those remind me of the old days. xoxo


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