Tuesday, December 1, 2020


In my previous post I mentioned that I didn't really care for the beads that I had down with the snowmen display. I was trying to figure out how to make it look like snow without using fake snow and making too much of a mess. 

I thought white tissue paper would work so I put it down and rearranged a little.  What do you think? 





I like it much better! 

We did do some outside lights although not as much as last year. 

Just  lights around the top of the deck and our large bulbs on the ground in front of the house.

And a lone star over the porch light in the back. 

It was pretty cold while we were putting them up so we didn't want to be outside too long! We missed the opportunity to take advantage of the warmer weather we had before Thanksgiving!

Until the next time stay safe and well.



  1. I like the tissue paper look much better! You did a good job with it. And your lights are so pretty, especially the star.

  2. That looks really good with the tissue paper. I thought about putting up the outside lights the other day and didn't. Now no wish I would have because we got hit with snow today

  3. I like the tissue paper as snow. I didn't think of that. I used a white sheet.

  4. I do like the tissue paper over the beads! Clever for you to come up with it!


  5. Loveeeeeeeeeee it. I have the "fake" snow cotton blankets. Since we have been in NY--and this house, outlets are not a thing--so my Christmas villages have remained packed, sigh.

  6. The tissue paper looks better. Fake snow in a sheet works well too, that's what I use.

  7. Awesome. The beads were festive, but the white tissue paper is a popular favorite...it gets my vote! (I used a white terry TOWEL for snow.)

  8. All so pretty, Jeanette! The tissue paper was a great idea. We had one cold day (Tuesday) and today it was nearly 70 again! Merry Christmas! xoxo

  9. I like the after better as well. I like the idea of the beads but the look of the tissue. I love the lone star. Very pretty and because there aren’t a lot of other lights it really stands out.

  10. I love the lone star, it reminds me of the Star of Bethlehem.
    The tissue paper is better than the beads in my opinion. I have a sheet of fake snow for my winter snowmen.

  11. It definitely looks more like snow. My daughter has a few displays in her bedroom that she uses polyester quilt batting for snow.


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