Monday, February 1, 2021

February Photo a Day #1


Our local library is still closed to the public. They have curbside pick up though. Here I am waiting outside the library for them to bring out my books.

Until tomorrow, stay safe and well! 


  1. I've noticed that the library here will put a sign out front saying "open today" I don't know what some of the bigger ones are doing though.

  2. What a beautiful entrance! Our library opens back up to the public today!

  3. Yep, our library (both city & county) have curbside-only pickup of books too. Quietly browsing the library's aisles of books seems like such a luxury now, doesn't it? You have a gorgeous library! ~Andrea xoxo

  4. I didn't know some libraries brought out your books. What a great service.

  5. Thankyou for commenting on my embroidery, so nice of you. All comments just spur me on and sometimes we all need a push to keep going, lol
    I miss our library so much, I do download books for my ipad but its not the same as holding a 'real' book is it.

  6. Safest way to be these days! Wonder if the book covers are sanitized somehow.

    I really like this "nighttime" photo!

  7. At least we can still read, right?

  8. It's the same with our library as well.

  9. Our library is closed too. Your library is pretty!

  10. Looks like a very posh library! Make sure you sanitise the books!

  11. That's a long way from the curb on a cold night but librarians need their exercise too so I guess it's all good, haaaahaaha! xoxo


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