Tuesday, January 26, 2021

My Mom's Wedding Dress

My mom and dad got married on October 16, 1954. They had a HUGE wedding, about 450 people! 

To give a little background, my dad was an only child and my grandparents owned a very popular and busy bar in Detroit. This wedding was a big deal to them and they wanted to show off to all of their friends and bar patrons! In other words, they wanted to invite a lot of people so they paid for the whole thing! 

My mom's parents were not well off and my grandfather (her father) was very sick at the time of their wedding. 

I only have a few pictures right now of her wearing the dress. 

Check out that train! At the reception she carried it around with a hoop around her arm! 

Here she is with her father. He passed away a few months later. 

Anyway, after the wedding my mom packed her dress in a box wrapped in tissue paper. When I was about 10 years old she showed it to me and I got to try it on. I loved it and wanted to play dress-up with it but she wouldn't let me! 

We may have looked at it one or two more times after that but I'm not sure. A few years after she died I asked my dad for it and he gave it to me. 

Her writing on the box. I wonder if she wrote that right when she packed it up shortly after the wedding. I bet she was excited to write her new last name! 

Anyway, here is the dress now. It's a ball gown style satin with a lace over top. Although it definitely looks better than my dress, it has yellowed a bit and has a few areas where the lace has browned, especially over the buttons. 

The bottom has gathers with satin roses and tulle underneath. 

Here is the back of the dress and that long train! 

It was hard to get a picture of it all in!

There are 35 buttons on the back and 8 on each sleeve. I have a video of my parents wedding and you can see my grandmother buttoning up the dress. 

The sleeves are pointed at the top of the hand. While I was pushing my hand through the sleeve to take this picture the lace was ripping a little. It's pretty fragile. 

Anyway, the pictures make the dress look lighter than it actually is but by the time I realized that the dress was already packed away.

Still, not too bad for a dress that's at least 67 years old, eh?

Although I would love to see it displayed somewhere that's probably not going to happen. Shauna doesn't want it but my niece does so I'll probably give it to her eventually.  

That's it for now. I'll be back on February 1st to do my Photo A Day February where I post one picture a day for the whole month! I've got to start scrambling now to get 28 pictures together! 

Until then stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. A beautiful wedding gown and that train is gorgeous.

  2. Wow - that was a big wedding for that time. The dress is beautiful and it's wonderful that it's still around all these years later.

  3. I especially love the satin roses. So pretty! I look forward to your February posts!

  4. It is gorgeous! Such detailed and fine little touches everywhere. She must have been overjoyed to wear it for her wedding. And it still looks in good shape to me.

  5. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing, smiles.

  6. A lovely dress and such a beautiful memory of your mom.

  7. Oh oh OH, Jeanette. I absolutely adore these pictures and the story along with it. I think weddings were huge affairs back then, moreso than now. My oldest brother and his wife got married in 1958 and it was the same thing.... around 500 people attended. It's really sad how people don't even bother going to weddings these days. They send a card and that's it. I blame the internet and television, most of all, for the decline. "Back in the day" there was nothing to do and we always looked forward to weddings and reunions. It was an excuse to get out of the house, have some really good food, and visit. Even our wedding, in 1976, was well attended. But for two of my children's weddings, it was hard to get people to stay until the band started and the cake was cut. Sad. Anyway, I loved this blog entry!! ~Andrea xoxo

  8. It Is so beautiful. She must have felt like a princess.

  9. What a beautiful couple your parents are! I love that they had such a BIG wedding...I don't know that I could muster up 450 people for anything. :)
    The dress is lovely and isn't it a shame we wear something ONE time then box it up? I hope your niece can use it for something; surely your Mom would like that.
    Thanks so much for sharing this.
    Oh, you said there is a video of your parent's wedding. That always amazes me cause there are NO videos of me until I had a bridal shower. Did I live in a cave or what?

  10. That is a truly breathtaking bridal confection. What a gorgeous bride your mother was! The dress has preserved remarkably well. Wow. Thanks for sharing this, Jeanette. xoxo


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