Monday, February 22, 2021

February Photo A Day #22


Every January our town has a ice festival where they display ice carvings, have contests and other activities.  Normally all the happenings are together in the park and it draws a big crowd! This year they only had small ice sculptures in front of the businesses so people could just walk up and down the streets to see them. It's freezing cold out right now so we haven't done any walking but I did jump out of the car to take a picture of this one in front of a little boutique. I thought it was pretty with the red roses embedded in the bowl!

As a side note, last year it was so warm the weekend of the Ice Festival that all the sculptures melted before the festival even started!

Until tomorrow stay safe and well my friends!


  1. Oh it is pretty. I suppose a warm day would cause problems for an ice festival.

  2. That’s very pretty! A neighboring town had a drive thru ice festival, but they charged $30 per car and the line was really long.

  3. It must be lovely............

    🍒 🍒 🍒 🍒

  4. Yep, they have an ice festival uptown from where we are too. I'm not sure how or if it happened this year or not. I don't keep track of that stuff. It certainly would have been cold enough this year to have it but with the virus... who knows. That sculpture you posted sure is beautiful!! ~Andrea xoxo

  5. I enlarged this to get a better look. It is very impressive!

  6. That IS pretty, cold is good for an ice festival. :)

  7. This looks like so much fun. It's really pretty!

  8. What a difference a year can make, right? This sounds like a great community event---weather and virus permitting of course.

  9. How charming! I love the roses in the ice. xoxo


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