Sunday, February 21, 2021

February Photo A Day #21

Our deck this week. Nice how we didn't even bother to take the chairs or the umbrella in this winter! Oh well, lots of clean up in the Spring!

Until tomorrow stay safe and well my friends!


  1. Yep, same here...and for the first time in 7 years, I am ready for spring. smiles

  2. I wish we had a deck like this. And it looks like you have a lovely view as well.

  3. We have a foot of snow on our deck, too,

  4. *haha* Sometimes autumn chores get done and sometimes they don't. Funny how they always wait for us come spring, isn't it. ~Andrea xoxo

  5. Makes a great way to measure how much snow you got though.... -smile-


  6. I'm not sure my comment went through when I was using my phone instead of computer. I have my laptop on now, and wanted to come back.

    Your view is pretty tho!

  7. Don't feel bad, I didn't get anything put away off my deck

  8. I'm sure many decks look like yours. : )I shoveled a path on our deck. It had a few layers of ice and snow 3 feet thick.

  9. And more snow predicted tonight!

  10. Oh my goodness...that is a lot of snow!! Stay warm.


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