Saturday, February 20, 2021

February Photo A Day #20


This is a picture of my great grandmother, my dad's grandmother. We called her Nonita. She's  with her husband. According to my dad he was very abusive to her. In fact, on their divorce papers "extreme cruelty" was given as the reason for divorce. He left her to abuse another woman. To me she looks very cowed and unhappy in this picture. Luckily, I never knew him and the Nonita I knew was a happy woman who loved to laugh! 

Until tomorrow stay safe and well my friends!


  1. Nice to have the picture. Sad that anyone has to go through an abusive relationship. Not all get out to live a happier life.

  2. Wow. It wasn't common to get divorced back in the day, so she must have really hated him. Were they Italian?

  3. That is sad. I’m glad she was able to divorce.

  4. I am glad the lady you knew was a happy one. Have a great day friend. smiles

  5. Laughing amidst diversity would not be easy, that's for certain. I'm glad your Nonita got out of her abusive marriage. I'm sure it was not easy for her to divorce, in an era when divorce had such bad connotations. Good for her! ~Andrea xoxo

  6. That's very sad. I'm glad she found happiness later.

  7. And she is even leaning away from him. Poor woman. So happy she was able to get a divorce!!!!! And that you knew her, as happy.

    šŸ’ šŸ’ šŸ’ šŸ’

  8. I am thankful she found happiness later. It is good that you can remember her that way.

  9. Glad she divorced him, and found happiness.

  10. YES, this photo tells a lot! I noticed right away that she looks very unhappy. And he does not. I am glad she finally got free of him. And that she did have moments of joy.

  11. Glad to hear she eventually found happiness and laughter again.

  12. Good for your Nonita, coming out on topside and not letting the brute steal her joy! xoxo


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