Friday, February 19, 2021

February Photo A Day #19


This is how I exercise most every morning. I watch YouTube videos on my laptop sitting on the couch in the living room! 

I am diabetic and well, I don't necessarily always follow a diabetic diet. Doing 45 minutes of aerobic exercise every day helps to keep my blood sugar levels good all day.  

Until tomorrow stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. You've gotta do what you've gotta do!! 45 minutes is a good amount of cardio.

  2. What kind of exercises do you do?

    If the laptop is on the couch, I would think, you do floor exercises. Like yoga things and etc. Am I right?

  3. Good for you! I’ve been slacking on that.

  4. Same on all counts, my friend! Exactly the same. I must do better. xoxo

  5. We all sure need some kind of good exercise like this, even more so during the pandemic! Plus you will strenghten your immune system!

  6. Good for you! In January I finally pulled myself up and out of pandemic mode and started eating right and working out again too. I feel so much better already.

  7. Good for you! I was recently diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis which has cut back my walking. I need to get back at it.

  8. Good for you getting that workout in every day.


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