Thursday, February 18, 2021

February Photo A Day #18


In the summer of 2015 my husband and I took a road trip to the east coast, all the way up to Bar Harbor, Maine. We made many stops along the way but at the time this was a definite highlight for me. Stephen King's house in Bangor. I was a huge fan at the time! 

Until tomorrow stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. Oh yes, Stephen King's house! I had an internet friend once who lived in the same town as the Kings. She said there's big bat-shaped door knockers on his front door and the only time the gates out front were open was on Halloween... when Stephen would hand out candy himself. I heard he doesn't even live in this house anymore and the handing out of candy had long stopped before he moved, for safety reasons. I would LOVE to see Maine one day. My husband is fearful if I see it I'd want to move. :-) ~Andrea xoxo

  2. That is just what you would expect Stephen Kings home to look like don't you think? We live close to his winter home in Florida.

  3. What a wonderful trip that must have been! And to connect with a loved writer in such a way! I have made pilgrimages to the graves of Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allan Poe, and Ayn Rand. I do love Stephen King's book "On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft." It's one of the best books out there on the subject of writing. xoxo

  4. Very cool house, complete with very cool fencing!!!!

    Brave you! I have never tried to read his books. -smile-


  5. Oh wow! That is really neat. Is that you in the picture?

  6. Wow, how cool! And it fittingly looks pretty spooky as well.

  7. Love the architecture! Some of his books are good.

  8. Oh I would have enjoyed that too. I used to love his books and think I read almost all of them

  9. Cool house. Looks just perfect for Stephen King.

  10. That's a beautiful house! We visited Bar Harbor quite a few years ago. It's a gorgeous place!

  11. That is so cool and of course, his house looks a little creepy as well. :)


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