Tuesday, February 9, 2021

February Photo A Day #9


This is a google street view of  the house in Detroit my grandparents lived in for most of my childhood. I have so many memories in this house and it breaks my heart to see it like it is now. Burnt and abandoned. 

Until tomorrow stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. Ooooooh Jeanette.... *sob*. What a sad sad picture! Unfortunately it's not an uncommon one. My mother was one of 8 children (one little boy died in infancy) and grew up in a big old house in the middle of town. When Grandma was the only person left there, the house was sold. By that time the neighborhood had "turned" and it wasn't that nice anymore. The old homestead became run down and eventually was condemned. Mom told me how she & her sisters stood across the street from that house & watched as the wrecking ball was taken to it. They all cried. Then they each asked if they could have a brick from the house, as a keepsake. The workers understood and got each of them a good brick as a keepsake. So my mother is sharing, from heaven, in your sadness as she understands completely... as do I. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. I can totally relate.I’ve looked up my grandma’s house and it’s a dump now. So sad.

  3. Gives a whole different perspective of the saying...you can never go home again.

  4. Looks like it's fallen on hard times. That's too bad. I have used Google street view to look up my maternal grandparents' house on Southland Court in Baton Rouge (where they lived for most of the '70s), and it is similarly a sad situation now. My grandmother kept such a beautiful home and I loved going there. Nothing temporal lasts! But sweet memories are gifts from God. xoxo

  5. That is so sad, it looked like it used to be so beautiful.

  6. So sad! Do you know who owns it now? Hopefully they will sell it to someone who will love it and fix it up.

  7. That is sad to see but what a cute house it is and glad you have such happy memories of it.

  8. That is sad! It looks like it was a really nice house, and still could be if someone would take care of it.

  9. So sad...but the memories you will always have, smiles.

  10. Awww...that is SO sad. Maybe someone will come in and bring it back to life?

  11. Very sad... But it can't erase your lovely memories...


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