Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Atlantic City Feral Cats

On my post regarding the feral cats we saw in Atlantic City during our trip in 2015,  I knew but failed to mention the Alley Cats Allies Atlantic City Boardwalk Cat's Project. I knew at the time they had a TNR policy regarding these cats but didn't know much about it until a fellow blogger (Thanks Jane) mentioned it to me in the comments. 

I only took a few pictures of the many cats we saw but they all certainly looked healthy and well cared for. Some were very friendly and would come up to people to be petted! 

They all had a tipped ear, meaning the very tip of one ear was cut off to show they were neutered or spayed and vaccinated.  

I've posted a link here for anyone who may be interested in reading more  about this project and how it came to be! Plus what a success it's been! If I lived close I would definitely be a volunteer!

I need to check out if there are any programs around my area to volunteer in.

Until the next time, stay safe and well, my friends! 


  1. That’s interesting! I’ve never visited Atlantic City.

  2. That is really cool! I'm going to go read more. I wish they had something like that here. I would definitely volunteer too!

  3. "...neutered or spayed and vaccinated."


  4. The Trap-Neuter-Release program is a pet peeve of mine and also the rescue network I work with. First of all, the cats are trapped, neutered/spayed & released, yes. But they're seldom trapped again when it comes time for their yearly vaccinations. There's never ongoing testing for feline leukemia so any of them can contract that & once that happens it spreads like wildlife. The cats are never treated, beyond the first time, for earmites, fleas, worms, or anything else. I don't know if any of your readers have watched a cat die of earmites but it's NOT pretty... nor is it a nice way to go. These cats are not treated for any injuries they might have due to cat fighting or predator attack, not to mention nefarious humans who torture animals. So no, the TNR program is not a good one and these cats are not "well cared for". Just wanted to lend my two cents since I've been hands-on into cat rescue for decades. Love you~ Andrea xoxo

  5. Always wonderful to hear about programs to help animals like this

  6. They look like sweet kitty cats! I am a recent cat lover so this is fascinating to me. I love my cat so much. She is a rescue. We hit it off at first sight, at the animal rescue place here in town. I don't know what I'd do without her. xoxo

  7. I'm sure for large cities it would keep the rat population down.

  8. I really enjoyed Atlantic City when we visited. I didn't see any cats though!

  9. Oh my that is a wonderful program. Hopefully with all the spaying and neutering there won’t be so many in a few years time.


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