Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Roll With It, Baby!

Lately I've been making an attempt to get my pantry a little more organized. One of the things that has bugged me from the start is this shelf. 

It's just a little wire hanging shelf we put up when we moved in. I have always used it to keep my aluminum foil, wax paper, plastic storage bags and those kind of things. When I've needed a particular roll that is in the back I usually knock something else off in the process. Plus the roll of parchment paper is too long and I have to prop it up on one side. 

I've been looking for some over-the-door hanging shelves to use inside the door but I have not been able to find one that the baskets are long enough.

Rich got this handy little plastic bag for a gift (it had six beers in it) a few years ago and I thought it might work to hang on the pantry door and hold all those rolls. It has dividers on the inside and even had a little tab to hang it with as you can see on the bottom picture. 

So I put a command hook up and after waiting the required hour hung my little bag and filled it with all the rolls that were on the shelf. Almost immediately the little tab broke and everything fell to the floor! 

So I hung it by the handle but it sagged too much and swung back and forth whenever the door opened or closed. 

The next day I bought two more commend hooks and put them next to each other as far apart as I could stretch the handle of the bag. Once again I waited the required hour. Note: Looking at this picture I think I probably should have bought white ones so they blend in a little better. 

Anyway, that worked much better and the bag stays still when the door moves. I intend it to be a temporary solution until I can find some kind of wire basket that is wide enough for that pesky parchment paper roll. 

We've been going to Maxwell's T-ball practices every week and they are fun! Maxwell loves it but he's shy and I think he's one of the youngest and smallest kid on the team. He'll participate as long as his mom or dad are close. 

Levi on the other hand is ready to play! Unfortunately he has to wait a few years until he's old enough! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. Awww….our 3.5 yo grandson was supposed to play t ball this summer, but our daughter was too nervous about Covid because she’s pregnant and unvaccinated. Sure looks like fun.

    You came up with a good solution! We have an extra silverware type kitchen drawer that I keep that stuff in.

  2. Great idea with the bag, it works! Little Maxwell is such a cutie. I can only imagine how adorable it is to see him playing T-ball. Enjoy every second! :)

  3. good idea. My pantry needs a revamp from time to time. The foil, and saran wraps, plastic bags always need a better place than what I have. I've been having to search for them and that's no way to live!

  4. Maxwell is so cute!
    I have a plastic holder that has spots for 4 different rolls. It's attached to the inside of my pantry door and works good. Good luck finding something!

  5. I like your temporary fix for your storage bags! We have ours in a kind of basket area in our pantry with dividers. It somewhat works (enough for me to be happy about it and not want to change it around lol).

    I bet it is so fun to watch the little ones play! But it is good they are out there already (and Levi when it is his turn) so they start learning team sports, etc. and baseball/T-ball are great sports for anyone to play!


  6. Awwwww good job, Maxwell! And Levi is loaded for bear. Watch out! GREAT temporary solution to your problem and I totally understand. I have my rolls of clear film, foil, and parchment in a drawer and that is working so far, but then I do not have a pantry per se. I'm sure you'll find the right shelf unit but until you do, that's a clever system you've got there! And the pirate loves the black Command hooks, haahaha xoxo

  7. You didn't give up, and in the end had a great and workable idea. I want to see your permanent solution whenever you do it!

  8. Clever idea with the bag. I love those command hooks
    My son never played T-ball but I always loved the little league games. They were more fun than watching the pros.

  9. Interesting idea, using a tote bag.

    My husband long ago, simply screwed in holders, for all those things, on the inside of the pantry door. It doesn't really hurt anything. You can't see screws, on the outside. And the situation is solved.


  10. We use the can-be-removed kind of a hook, on the outside of the pantry door, for aprons. -smile-


  11. What an awesome idea, smiles. Waving to the grandkids, smiles.

  12. Awwwww.... all the little sweet ball players!! Darling!!! And I love your idea for the foil & waxed paper & such! I hope those new command hooks hold good for you. It seems like they would, to me. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  13. You are so clever about using the beer bag. It looks like a genius idea to me.
    Yay for organized sports. This might be what brings him out of his shell, but be careful; Lolo started with tee ball at 5 and didn't stop playing softball until she was 20! It was a lot for our family.

  14. I hate it when nothing fits the way you want!! Your solution looks pretty nifty tho!! Darling photo of your grandson.

  15. Thanks for sharing your adventures with pantry storage. Years ago I had those over-the-door wire shelf units on my pantry doors. But then after a while, that black graphite-type stuff that's in the door hinges began to accumulate on the floor and made a real mess. I don't use them any more.

  16. I have that same hanging basket for foil and such. I like your idea of using a tote bag though.

  17. That hanging basket works well for those rols of foil and plastic wrap. We have a cupboard but it gets overloaded so everything ends up falling out. I need a new organizational tool. Thanks for the share.


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