Friday, July 2, 2021

Long Weekend and Mother Nature

Funny how now that Rich and I are retired long weekends don't seem so exciting anymore! 

Tomorrow (Saturday) we are babysitting for Maxwell and Levi while their parents go to the Rocket Mortgage Classic golf tournament. It's an all day thing but we are only watching them from 7 am to about 1. The Brads mom is taking over  because we have a barbeque to go to in the evening.

I'm making a red, white and blue dessert and if it turns out good I'll post a picture of it next time! 

Chris sent this picture of his garden this year. I don't think I've seen a neater garden ever! He works hard on it and grows practically every vegetable you can think of! Plus they have a couple peach trees that aren't in the picture.

I took a walk in a local park and this duck family was not happy to see me!

I was standing on a little bridge and they were quacking at me and herding the babies away! They are so cute!

Then this morning when my friend Marie and I went to breakfast this mother duck and her ducklings were walking across the lawn outside the window where we were sitting! I worry about them because the restaurant is on a busy road and I think she had a long way to travel to get her babies to water! They are so cute though! 

I also saved a turtle the other day! I was driving on a pretty busy road and it was sitting in the middle on the double yellow line tucked up in it's shell. First I drove past it but only got a short way before I knew that I couldn't just leave it there with cars whizzing by on both sides.  So I turned around and drove back. I straddled the lines with my car and turned on the flashers! Luckily the traffic had cleared a little. When I went to grab the turtle it started to scoot across the street so I was kind of nudging it with my foot. When it got almost across it started to go to the right so I picked it up and put it on the grass about 6 feet off the road. 

Then I got back in my car and drove up the street. By the time I turned around and got back to where the turtle was it was up an embankment heading to a pond on the other side! I have to admit my knees were shaking a little bit but if I had left it and then saw a squished turtle later I would have felt really, really bad!

That's bout it for now. I hope you all have a enjoyable weekend with good food, friends and fireworks! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. I’m going to make a red, white and blue dessert, too! Strawberry/Blueberry Shortcake. Have a great weekend!

  2. So cute to see the baby ducks following behind their mom. :)
    Have fun with your grandkids tomorrow!!

  3. Have a great time with Maxwell and Levi tomorrow and have fun at the BBQ too. I'm sure your dessert will come out perfect. The garden does look nice and neat, and I love seeing all the little ducklings - so adorable.. Thank you for saving the turtle, I've done the same thing. Have a fantastic 4th of July weekend! :)

  4. The garden is totally so neat! Awww, blessings to you for saving the turtle!!

  5. That's a beautiful garden! Cute ducks too.
    Yay to you for saving the turtle!

  6. What a kind thing to do for the turtle.

  7. That is so cool you rescued the turtle! I'm not sure I would have been that brave to do so! So cute with the ducks!! One time when we lived in Billings, I happened to look out the window and under our tree was a mother duck and 12 of her babies. We lived probably half mile from water. I saw the mama start to leave with her babies and then realized they had to cross a relatively busy street so I raced out of the house and kind of stood at the side of the road while the family crossed. Thankfully no cars came by and they safely made it to the other side.

    That garden is so cool!! I admire people who have gardens. We had one a long time ago, mainly just tomatoes, but it is a lot of work!

    Have fun babysitting and at your BBQ!


  8. That is a gorgeous garden, sooo neat and wonderful!!! Please tell him, I am impressed.

    A lot of work, but maintaining it is simpler, for all the layout and mulching work.

    You were brave to do what you did, to save that turtle. I'm glad you were not hurt, in the process.

    Have a lovely 4th of July weekend!

  9. Well done for saving a turtle! Just glad you didn't get injured in the process!

  10. Big big smiles. Wishing you and your family a beautiful July 4th.

  11. You're a woman after my own heart, Jeanette.... grandchildren, picnics, saving animals. We are twins separated at birth! :) Enjoy your picnic this evening! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  12. I pledge allegiance to the Flag
    of the United States of America,
    and to the......
    ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨

  13. I thank you (speaking for the "shell-shocked" turtle!!)!!

    Love the mama and ducklings all in a row...sweet. (and the other family too)

    Enjoy your time with the grands & then, the BBQ.

  14. You are right! That is the neatest garden! Thank you for saving the turtle! My husband was driving yesterday and a mother turkey with a string of 14 babies following behind, crossed the road. He stopped and when he opened the truck door the last baby squatted down in the road. He had to shoo it on across. He was afraid a car would come along and hit them. We have stopped for turtles too.

  15. You are so blessed to have a kind heart. There's no telling what could have ended up for the turtle had you not helped him out (while putting your life in danger)

    I'm going to try and visit everyone today; it's been a long time. :)


  16. I'm glad you were able to safely save the turtle.
    I hope y'all had a wonderful 4th of July.

  17. HAHA...that mama duck has all her ducks in a row! I come over from Ann's blog to meet you. As for being retired and getting excited over long weekends~ its not so easy when you don't work. Sleeping late everyday and doing as you please, that holiday is just like all the rest!!

  18. MY knees were shaking, reading about you taking such a risk for the turtle! It's hard not to get involved, though, isn't it? That garden is truly a work of art. xoxo

  19. Chris does have a lovely garden; good for him!
    Baby ducks are so stinking cute and I do worry about them too. You are such a saint to save the turtle!


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