Saturday, July 10, 2021

Heading Out

Today we are heading out to stay a week at a AirBNB on a lake in Gaylord, MI. I actually am writing this post on Friday and scheduling it to post on Saturday morning. 

I am looking forward to a week of being with my grandsons every day! Maxwell is always asking for a sleepover so he's getting 7 of them!

My daughter is turning 40 on Sunday so we are having a birthday party for her. I have a special gift I had made for her and I'll tell you about it next time I post. 

I made the red, white and blue dessert for our 4th of July party and it was delicious!

I think it came out ok. They never look as good as the picture of the recipe though. I cut a angel food cake loaf into slices for anyone who wanted to add it in with the fruit and cream cheese. 

The only thing was there was too much fruit and not enough of the cream cheese mixture to make it look even. If I ever make it again I will probably only use half the fruit! 

Anyway, I have a lot to do before we leave. I can't wait to tell you all about it!

Until then stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. That dessert looks delicious. Have a good time and I look forward to hearing all about it when you get back.

  2. Yummy dessert! I usually put whip cream in mine, not cream cheese mixture....anyways...have a beautiful vacation. Happy Birthday to your daughter.

  3. The dessert looks delicious. Have a fantastic trip, can't wait to hear all about it! :)

  4. Looks delicious! Have fun on your trip! Grandsons are perfect!

  5. Jeanette, by this time (10:42am cst on Saturday) I'm sure you're well on your way to Gaylord. I hope you have an absolutely WONDERFUL time with your family & staying in the B&B. You deserve this time away and I hope you are blessed from start to finish. That 4th of July dessert is gorgeous and you did such a great job on it. I could taste it through the computer screen.... yum!! Can't wait to hear about all your adventures from the next 7 days. Stay safe. ~Andrea xoxoxoxo

  6. Sounds like a wonderful week ahead! Enjoy making memories!! Happy early birthday to your daughter!

    Yummy looking dessert!


  7. Have a super wonderful time!!!!

    "You can't stay in your corner of the forest
    waiting for others to come to you.
    You have to go to them sometimes."

    ~A. A. Milne
    ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨

  8. I hope you have a ball. The dessert looks both pretty,patriotic, and delicious!

  9. Have a wonderful time with those grandkids!! :)
    I'd love some of that dessert you made!

  10. I know you are going to have such fun! I can't wait to hear about the gift for your daughter. The dessert looks so pretty and yummy too!

  11. Have a great time! I made a strawberry blueberry shortcake for the 4th, but yours is prettier.

  12. Uh...a BIG yes to that trifle, please.(lol) Happy belated birthday to your daughter, and what a thrill to be able to spend time with family to get all those feel good hugs! Hope you have a fabulous time and bring back loads of pics! Hugs, RO

  13. The dessert looks wonderful and WOW a week-long vacation with your babies! Way to go, Jeanette! xoxo

  14. Hey thanks for stopping by the blog and please do come back. That looks awesome. My daughter turned 40 in Dec and my son just turned 34 a few days ago. Not sure how they keep getting older as I grow younger.....only if.

  15. How fun! You guys are gonna have so much fun!

    The desert looks awesome; I know it was good.




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Mock Fried Rice

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