Sunday, July 18, 2021

Vacation and Birthday Party

Boy, weeks sure do fly by when you are on vacation! We had a blast and getting to spend a week straight with my family was everything I hoped it would be! 

We had a wonderful week in an Airbnb on Lake Manuka in Gaylord MI. The house that my son-in-law got for us was absolutely beautiful! It had two bedrooms and a full bath upstairs and one bedroom and a full bath downstairs. It slept 9 people.  

We had the downstairs bedroom with a doorwall outside to that awesome front porch.  Every morning we sat out there drinking coffee and looking at the lake. Sometimes we could hear loons calling or see muskrats swimming by.  

Chris and his friend drove from New Hampshire on Friday and came up to Gaylord for a few days. The boys were over the moon to see Uncle Chris again!

Shauna's birthday was on Sunday the 11th and she turned 40 years old. While her and Brad when to the grocery store that day we decorated the house for a birthday party! 

I had bought a cake and candles earlier. 

After we all went to a nice dinner to celebrate we came home and had birthday cake. I took this picture off of a movie I took of the kids singing happy birthday! As soon as we finished singing Levi blew the candles out! Then we had to relight them so Maxwell could blow them out too! 

Way back in January I had a necklace made for her from some family diamonds. 

The top diamond is from my grandmothers engagement ring. They told me at the jewelry store that the diamond is probably 100 years old. They can tell by the cut, I guess. 

The middle diamond is from a pair of diamond earrings that my dad gave my mom for their 25 anniversary. She wore them every day after that. One of the earrings I lost on the day she passed away. I think I accidently threw it away with tissue in the hospital. 

The bottom diamond is from my original engagement ring. 

Shauna absolutely loves it and we both cried when I gave it to her. 

I took this snap from a movie of me getting ready to put it on her. Levi was a little concerned with his mom crying. 

Finally Brad surprised her with a 4-day trip to Las Vegas next month. He planned lots of things for them to do while they are there. Us and Brads parents will take turns watching the boys, of course. 

It was a successful birthday celebration for her! We had her in tears a few times! 

Next post I'll tell you about all the things we did while there! 

Until then stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. That sounds like the perfect vacation! What a touching and thoughtful gift. I almost cried myself hearing what each diamond was from. I'm so glad she loved it. It definitely sounds like it was a successful birthday celebration! I'm looking forward to hearing more about your vacation. Have a nice Sunday and a great week! :)

  2. Oh Jeanette, what a wonderful time... and the telling of it was extra special too, along with the photos. Thank you for sharing your joy with all your blog readers. Tears... a part of any really GOOD celebration! :-) ~Andrea xoxoxo

  3. What’s great vacation and celebration! I love that necklace and have a similar one, but it’s just cubic zirconia. Vegas is super fun and will be a nice way to celebrate for them.

  4. Oh what a beautiful necklace with so much meaning and memories!! I teared up just reading about it!! Looked like a fun time with family!! Glad you guys could all get together and celebrate her special day!! Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures while on vacation!


  5. Sounds like a wonderful vacation. Happy birthday to Shauna

  6. Sounds like an ideal vacation. The necklace is beautiful and such a treasure with the memories attached to it.

  7. The house is so lovely. And the birthday decorations are so joyful and pretty! Wow, your gift is the keepsake of many generations!

  8. The house looks so nice and sounds so peaceful. Such a great vacation spot!
    The necklace!!! I would be crying too. It's a treasure.

  9. Beautiful...I am so glad you had a wonderful time, smiles.

  10. Oh my goodness!! I was actually in tears reading about it all!! What a glorious celebration.

  11. What a great place to stay!!!!!!!

    And what an amazing gift. Oh mercy, I can see why she cried with Joy.

    And a good lesson for the 'little one,' that there are Tears of Joy!

    Mmmm, I take it, she is your daughter...

    Oh and... I can't just scroll back up, and see your full post with pics. -sigh- If you had Pop Up comment place, I could. It is really the nicest way for comments to be written, with Pop Up. Because I forget some of the things, in a post. And need to see the whole thing, while writing comment.

    Please think about Pop Up comment section. Thank you!


  12. It sounded like a wonderful vacation.
    The necklace and the meaning of the stones is beautiful.

  13. The house is super cute and I love that you had such a nice time with your kiddos. That necklace is everything. I can't believe you had such a great idea to use family stones; it made me tear up to just reading this.
    I love that she is getting a nice adult trip away for her 40th; that is so special.

  14. What a beautiful necklace and reaction! Looks like you had an amazing time. I haven't had a vacation for 16 months now, and feel I'm going a little crazy!

  15. Oh goodness I lost my comment; such a surprise for me LOL

    I'm glad Shauna had such a beautiful birthday and that Chris was able to join for family with y'all.


  16. OK my eyes misted at the description of the provenance of the diamonds, but I literally cried at the picture of Shauna crying. It hurt my heart (in a good way) that she was so overcome by the gift. I love, love, love heirlooms. There is nothing better than meaningful things that can be passed down ... except, of course, wonderful memories that you hold in your heart of your loved and cherished ones. xoxo


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