Friday, July 23, 2021

More Vacation Fun

We tried to pack as much activity into our vacation as we could and still be able to have plenty of down time and relaxation. 

On Monday we went to the Call of the Wild Museum. I always see the billboard advertisement on the expressway whenever we head up north but have never actually stopped there. Shauna wanted to take  the boys to see all the animal dioramas. 

I think they loved it but had more fun pressing the buttons to turn on lights and listen to narratives of the scenes. I didn't take too many pictures but the grizzly bear and a full grown moose are huge! I would hate to run into them in the wild! 

We also went putt-putt golfing but I didn't take any pictures. I was trying to just be in the moment! Of course there was a gift shop and the boys got some new wildlife related toys! 

Tuesday was a rainy day so we just kind of kicked back and took it easy. 

On Wednesday we drove to Petoskey MI. Maxwell wanted to see a lighthouse so we walked down the pier so he could see the lighthouse (unimpressive) and watch the boats go by on Lake Michigan. 

And of course no trip to Lake Michigan is complete without searching for Petoskey stones. I took this from Wikipedia

Petoskey stone is a rock and a fossil, often pebble-shaped, that is composed of a fossilized rugose coralHexagonaria percarinata.[1] Such stones were formed as a result of glaciation, in which sheets of ice plucked stones from the bedrock, grinding off their rough edges and depositing them in the northwestern (and some in the northeastern) portion of Michigan's lower peninsula

I managed to find four of them in the 15-20 minutes I had to search for them. You have to look at or past the waterline because when they are dry they just look like any other stone. 


Here I sprayed them with water so show what they really look like. You either have to polish them or paint them with clear paint or nail polish for the pattern to show all the time. 

The boys liked being on the rocky beach and throwing rocks into the water to their hearts content! 

One evening we took a walk and came across some construction equipment sitting on the side of the road. Maxwell and Levi LOVE any construction equipment so they were over the moon!  It took us a while to get them away from it! 

We spent our last full day there at Otsego Lake State Park which was only a few miles from where we were. They had a huge beautiful beach for the boys to play on. The water was nice and warm, too! 

We built sand castles for them to knock down a soon as were were done with them! We also dug a giant hole in the sand and Maxwell and Levi (with a little help from us) filled it with water using buckets and watering cans that I made them from laundry detergent bottles. 

Sitting on the picnic table eating ice cream was a regular thing! 

Maxwell even made himself a unibrow! 

Sometimes we just goofed around and got our silly on! 

Every morning we enjoyed sitting on the porch looking at the water and listening to the loons call. 

And in the evening the sunset never failed to be beautiful! 

This vacation was always about just spending time with my family and it did not disappoint! Every day was a joy and wonderful memories were made! I tear up thinking about how grateful I am for my wonderful family and the opportunity to spend this time together! 

Brad is already checking out places for next year and I can't wait! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 



  1. What glorious pictures, Jeanette! It looks like a fun time was had by all. Yes, little boys and their button-to-push. I bet your grands would love The Museum of Science & Industry in Chicago!! Buttons galore!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  2. If you ever get to the The Museum of Science and Industry, you must stop by and see Colleen Moore's dollhouse, I bet the boys would even love it. smiles

  3. It sounds like a wonderful time. So glad you enjoyed yourself

  4. What a great time! I’d heard of Petoskey stones, but didn’t know what they are. As a rock person, I find them quite interesting that they need to be wet to see the pattern.

  5. The boys are so cute! I'm so happy you had a great time and it sure looks like everyone did! Have a fantastic weekend. :)

  6. Such fun together and such beauty!
    I visited the Call of the Wild Museum with one of my kids on a class trip many years ago.
    My granddaughters love searching for Petosky stones. They are spending the night so I just showed them your pics and they were impressed!

  7. You guys did a lot of fun things!! I would have loved to tag along, lol :) Those stones are so very interesting. Hadn't heard of them before! You'll blink and it will be next year's vacation since time seems to be going incredibly fast these days!


  8. Wow, you sure packed a whole lot of fun adventures into a short time! I had never known about the Petoskey stones! The boys look beyond happy.

  9. The first images of the family walking on the jetty just has to be favored!!! Sweet, sweet, sweet.
    I live these rocks. Pretty cool.

    Ice cream, construction equipment and just goofing off having fun make up so many good memories for both youth & adults.

    Sunrise, sunsets are perfect.

  10. That sounds like so much fun. Those rocks are beautiful. My husband is a rock hound. I don't believe he has any of those in his collections.

  11. Love all those happy faces. Looks like you all had a great time. Been 2018 since I felt the feel of the ocean on my feet, its been calling but its not working out for me to get there....enjoy

  12. Delightful, totally delightful...

    And added to, by the fun, of watching those 2 little boys, enjoying so much!!!!!!!!!

    I'd love to visit one of the Great Lakes. -smile-


  13. July 25th

    Thank you so much for your comment today. It is lovely when someone says, that the illustrations, I picked, resonate with them! I especially love the first 2, I showed.... Gentle places to "escape" into....

    Gentle hugs,

  14. Awe I'm so glad y'all had such a wonderful time! The boys are growing so fast, and as always so very cute. It's a beautiful thing to enjoy family.


  15. It filled my heart to see all those smiling faces because I know how much that means to you.
    I also find myself NOT taking so many pics when I'm really trying to take it all in and enjoy the moments.
    THose boys really ARE boys, aren't they? Rocks, mud, heavy equipment. Mama has her hands full.

  16. Sounds like a grand time. I am fascinated by those Petoskey stones. But my favorite part would have been sitting on the porch, listening to the loons! xoxo


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