Thursday, July 29, 2021

Random Stuff

I have really been enjoying these beautiful sunny days we are having. It's been hot and humid too but I'm not even going to mention it because it's hot all over and a lot worse in some places!

Last Saturday we went to see Rich's niece Janeen's new house and pool. His sister Judy is in town from South Carolina. It was so nice to see them all since we hadn't seen them since the pandemic and also since Judy's  daughter, Ann died from metastatic breast cancer in February, 2020.

Janeen and her husband have a beautiful house out in the country.

The pool in the backyard was wonderful and we had a great time! Maxwell and Levi had a blast playing on the  steps! 

I bought two of these cute little shelves at T@rget last week. I love them but can't figure out where to hang them! 


I have this one sitting on my desk temporarily. 

This is a set of sheets folded and stored in one of the pillow cases. It may look neat on the outside but inside is a hot mess! I can't fold a fitted sheet for anything! 

This is one of the outdoor cats looking inside at Smudge our indoor kitty! He wanted in and Smudge wanted out! Neither one was happy to see the other! 

That's about it for now. I just got home from having brunch with a former co-worker from U of M. It was really nice to see her and hear about the happenings at my old job! 

Speaking of job I may have one but I don't want to jinx it by talking about it yet. It's perfect and exactly what I am looking for. Wish me luck! I should know by the end of next week! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. Good luck! That’s exciting! What a gorgeous home.

  2. The house is gorgeous! And I hope you get the job, and can't wait to find out all about it.

  3. That is a gorgeous house!
    I do the same with my sheets - and they are a hot mess inside the pillowcase too. :)
    Good luck on the job!

  4. Oh wow, looking forward to hearing about your job when you can tell us about it!

    That house and pool look very nice!! I could see Levi and Maxwell on the stairs! Honestly that's what I do some nights in our pool. Just sit in the water on the stairs :)

    I do like those baskets. Have fun trying to figure out where to hang them!

    Always good to get together with someone from your former work and catch up on things. Good you took that opportunity to do so!

    We are having humid weather here which is highly unusual for Phoenix. The good thing is we aren't having those beastly hot temps like over 110 but then we do have the humidity which everyone is not really used to. Did get a lot of rain last weekend which is also unusual.


  5. Oh my, that house is beautiful. That pool looks so refreshing.

  6. Glad your summer heat is not gone.

    I am feeling that ours is, and I miss it. Don't like too much heat and humidity when it's here, but don't want it to all be behind us either. LOL

    Keep enjoying!!!!


  7. Wow what a house - it looks huge and so beautiful.

  8. That house is beautiful and immaculate. Someones a keen gardener!

    I love your shelves from Target.

  9. I've solved the problem of folding sheets by only having one set for summer and another for winter. They come off the bed, get washed, and get replaced immediately.

  10. Good Luck!
    The house is gorgeous.

  11. What a beautiful home Janeen and her husband have. WOW!!! How nice for them... and for everybody who comes to swim! Good luck on landing the job you want to get. I can't wait to hear about it! :) ~Andrea xoxoxo

  12. Pretty home.
    Love those shelves. Very unique.
    Hope your new job is as good as suspected!!
    My favorite today is ... Being a cat lover...the kitties!!!

  13. What a beautiful sorry for Judy with the loss of her daughter. Can't wait to hear all about the prospective new job. smiles

  14. So nice to visit with family; beautiful home!

    I can't even imagine losing a child to cancer (well anything really) but that is still so very very sad. My heart goes out to the family.

    I hope whatever the job is that you'll get it, love it and that it's part time. You're retired remember?


  15. I think that fitted sheets are created by the devil to drive us all nuts. I can't fold them, not even watching a video on how to do it. HAHA....I read yrs ago to store the sheets in the pillow case but that just takes extra time of me folding to go that! I love the shelves. I built one for my bathroom months and months ago and then realized where I wanted to hang it would be in the way so it is still in my bedroom floor waiting to find a spot for it.Lovely house, and the pool...YEP, would enjoy that.

  16. Your niece's pool and home look lovely!
    The shelves are so cute; you'll find a spot.
    I try to fold sheets to make them look neat and tidy; it's IMPOSSIBLE.

    Best of luck on the job.

  17. I'm going backwards in your posts, getting caught up, so I know that you GOT the job and I am so happy for you. I saw an Instagram post about folding fitted sheets and lo and behold, it WORKS and I am so amazed and thrilled. I don't know if I can describe it and it is definitely more difficult with my king-sized sheets BUT what you do is, you lay the top half of it on the bed and reach your two hands into the fitted parts at the edges on the bottom half, and bring them up and tuck them inside the fitted parts on the top half, then you just fold the outsides in to make a square, and from there just fold it neatly. It's amazing how easy it is. Try it! xoxo

  18. Wow what a house - it looks huge and so beautiful.


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