Friday, August 6, 2021

Working and Stuff

Thank you all for your good luck wishes on my potential job. They worked because I was hired on Wednesday and started yesterday!

It's at a store called Your CBD Store

Here's a crappy picture I snapped off the internet. It's in downtown Plymouth, about 4 miles from my house. I will be working 15 or so hours a week. It's exactly what I'm looking for so I'm pretty excited! 

Like it says it's a store that sells CBD products, from oral to topical to edibles! I have a LOT to learn though so I'll be training for a few weeks. The owner of the store, Kate, is really nice and I think she'll be a good boss! Plus the pay is fairly decent! 

Chris sent me this picture of all the wood he's stacked up for the winter. 

That's only one area! Look how neat it is! Between that and his garden that I showed you a few weeks ago I can hardly believe this is my son! 

Where was all that neatness for his room when he was a teenager! 

Did I ever tell you I have a thing for crayons?

I must have been deprived of crayons when I was a child because I love them! I bought crayons for the boys to use when they are here but this is my private collection! The 64 box I bought a few years ago and the Colors of Kindness I just bought today. I'll never use them, I like them brand new. I don't know why, it's just one of those things. 

I bought a beautiful zucchini a few days ago. It was big enough to make this zucchini bread and also have enough to have roasted zucchini for dinner. It only cost $1. Got to love roadside veggie stands! 

These guys loved it! 

That's all for me now. I'll be catching up with you all soon! 

Until then stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. Lol with the Colors of Kindness. I will have to see if the stores here carry them. I like how pretty and pristine a new box of crayons look.

    Congrats on getting the job! Sounds perfect! I know a lot of people like the benefits of CBD products. I also like learning new things too so it should be interesting!

    That is a lot of wood! Bet a lot gets used too during the cold months.

    Yummy with the zucchini bread! That had to be a big zucchini!


  2. Congrats! It sounds like a wonderful job, and so close to home! Plus you will learn a lot. I love the smell of fresh crayons!

  3. Congratulations. My job is only a mile from home and it's so nice to be that close.
    That zucchini bread looks really good.

  4. Great news about your job and great that it is so close to home.
    I love zucchini bread and yours looks delicious.
    I like crayons too, but like to color with them :)

  5. Oh, that's the job I'd want but they are hard to find around here - they all want young people. Now, will you be a budtender? In California, I'd have to get a certificate to do sales and be a budtender but it would be a fun job and I'd love to be able to help people find what they need. I especially think a senior like me, would be valuable - around here all the cannabis shops have young cool people employed.
    One of my sons does part-time bud trimming during the harvest. That's hard work but the pay is incredible. I'd just like to help people with their cannabis and be able to know exactly what to recommend for their ailments.

    Best wishes and have fun at your new job. Oh and 15 hours a week is perfect.

  6. Awesome news on the job! So very happy for you, smiles. Wishing you a beautiful weekend, smiles.

  7. Congrats on the job! I love zucchini bread! I need to make some. Hope you have a fabulous weekend.

  8. Congratulations on the job! Are the hours the same each week or will they change?

  9. Hooray for the job!
    Isn't it amazing how neat our kids can be when they grow up?
    The bread looks yummy.
    Such cuties in that last photo!

  10. Awwwww.... what darling little boys!! I bought some zucchini too, for the same intention of making bread. I've got to get going on that today. And congratulations on getting the job. Jeanette is selling pot now = for some reason that gave me a chuckle this morning. :-D ~Andrea xoxoxo

  11. Congratulations on landing the job-it sounds perfect for you.
    I love that you love crayons! I can smell the picture. :)
    Your son is neat, tidy and ahead of the game!

  12. Your crayon habit is cute! I understand. I also understand a grown son who as a child had a room you could barely get into, having morphed into the most organized guy in town! My Andrew is the same. The military transformed him. I'm so happy about your job. I know you will be an asset to them in every way. xoxo

  13. Congratulations on landing the job! I once found a coffee can full of crayons and I was so excited. Money would have been nice, but the crayons were a nice surprise too.


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