Sunday, November 28, 2021

Moving on Towards Christmas

Thanksgiving has come and gone and it was very nice!  We had 11 people and plenty of food to eat! Lots of leftovers too and I just threw the last of the turkey away today! 

I didn't take a single picture but that's ok. I was enjoying being in the moment! 

 Anyway, Friday I never left the house and finished all my Christmas decorating. I finished my Santa hat and hung it up. 

I had to cut a piece of cardboard to fit inside the hat and glue the branches to it otherwise it was too floppy. I think it came out really cute! 

I put out all of my snowmen/women (or maybe I should just say snow people!) in their usual spot on my built-ins in the family room. 

I've got 22 snowpeople now! I barely have room for them on the shelves but I like the way they look all clustered together like that!

And of course my miniature tree. 

The cardinal is new this year from Hobby Lobby. They always have all their Christmas decor on sale for 50% off and I can't resist getting at least one new something! 

I always get one new miniature ornament every year. This year it's a blue starfish. It wasn't my favorite but the pickings were slim this year! 

I love these little deer I got last year...

And this little deer ornament I got this year. I really need to not fall in love with small fuzzy deer because I don't need to collect anything else! 

We got about 3 inches of snow yesterday. 

I took this picture when I was leaving work. It's pretty but ugh, I am not ready for snow yet! 

Finally, of course I have to include the boys first school pictures. 

My best friend, Marie and her family left yesterday for a Disney cruise and I am watching her daughter's house and her cat all this week. She only lives about 6 miles from me. Her house is fabulous and I'll show some pictures the next time. 

Until then stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. Looks like you're all set for Christmas already.
    Your new deer ornament is so cute.
    I like the idea of a snowman collection! 22 is quite a lot.

  2. The boys are gorgeous! And I love all your crafts, especally the Santa hat and glasses. SO creative! Your drive to work is beautiful!

  3. Ohhhhhh, darling school pics! They are gonna be fighting off the girls chasing them all too soon!!
    Love your reindeer and snow people. And your hat is perfect.
    I revealed my Santa legs today.

  4. Cute way to decorate those cups for the utensils. I love all your decorations, especially your snowman collection. You are way ahead of me on the decorating. Thursday I pulled out the tree for the basement and put away all my fall stuff. That's as far as I got though.

  5. Awww….Your little ones are sweethearts! We got about the same amount of snow and I dread it, too. I love how crafty you are. I keep my snowmen packed away until January!

  6. I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. Thank you for sharing your photos. Oh, and we got snow here in NY too. Lots. Want some? grin

    Have a beautiful week, my friend.

  7. That Santa hat did indeed turn out darling, Jeanette, as did your gathering of snow people. That's the perfect spot for them. I love the red lights too! And the boys... they could NOT be more precious if they tried! Your downtown looks like a Christmas wonderland with the snow. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  8. Oh sorry ... I read your last two posts starting with this one, and mentioned the snow AND the snow people in my comment on the other post! Haaahaha. Anyway. The boys' pictures are adorable but then, how could they not be? xoxo

  9. Hi girlfriend! Long time...
    Love the hat decoration!! Cute idea...and the boys are adorable!

  10. I love all of your snowpeople. ;)
    I'm jelly you have your home decorated....I've not done one thing yet.
    The boys just get cuter and cuter!!

  11. Very cute decorations. I love the little deer and snowmen. Several of my blogging friends have snow, while it is nearing 80 degrees down south! The boys are so precious.


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