Monday, December 20, 2021

Christmas Plans and Flowers

Well, were in the final stretch to Christmas. So far, the plan includes Christmas Eve at my oldest brother's house, Christmas Day at Shauna and Brads and then our little family Christmas is going to be here on the 27th. 

Chris is coming into town on the 26th. His girlfriend will not be joining us so he's going to fly in and stay for 6 days. 

On the 29th my sister-in-law Judy is spending one night with us. She will be at her daughters for the previous week but her daughter lives pretty far from the airport so she's bringing her to our house the day before she leaves. We're going to take her to the casino for dinner, then she's going to spend the night, Rich will take her to the airport in the morning for her flight back to South Carolina. 

I got myself into a little conundrum as I offered to work on the 27th before I knew that day would be our family Christmas. It's just the way it worked out with everyone's schedule. I don't start until 12 so I can get some stuff done before I leave. Chris loves to cook so he said he'll be in charge of the food and Rich can clean the rest of the house. Then when I get off at 4 and everyone else gets there we'll have our Christmas! 

I received a very generous Christmas bonus from my employer which totally took me by surprise! I wasn't expecting anything at all, especially since I only worked there since September. One of the girls is leaving and another is cutting her hours way down. Kate is advertising for help but you know how that is going right now! She appreciates my willingness to be flexible! 

In other news, look at this!

The blooms are not fully opened yet but it's so pretty! 

The boys spent the night last Thursday and we made gingerbread houses! You can see they don't look anything like the pictures. They are Maxwell and Levi originals! The one on the right is Maxwell's and you can see it resembles a house, but Levi was only interested in putting frosting and candy on the individual pieces! I did manage to convince him to stick a few together though! 

That's it for the moment.  I'm going to Shauna's in a little while to bake some cookies. If I don't get a chance to visit you all before have a very Merry Christmas! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends!


  1. Lovely all, including the bonus!

    Keep enjoying...

    Happy Eve of Winter Solstice / Yule!

  2. Wow, you have a really busy and fun time coming up! Sorry you have to work though! But it will be like a thank-you for the nice bonus. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas!!

  3. Mine is getting close to blooming, too! Gingerbread houses are fun, no matter the design. Wishing you a very merry Christmas!

  4. Wishing you a beautiful Merry Christmas...I am not working Christmas Day, but Christmas Eve I am until 4...yes, back to work. I am not sure I am ready for this....just keeping it real.

  5. Sounds like a busy holiday for you.
    The blooms are beautiful.

  6. So pretty with the blooms!! WTG on the bonus!!! I think it is nice that owners "reward" good workers, especially these days when so many people don't want to be working. I know they appreciate flexibility. Sounds like you have wonderful plans for spending the days together with family. I know seeing Christmas through the eyes of a child is the best thing so I know you'll enjoy the time with your grandsons! Their gingerbread houses truly are works of art!

    Merry Christmas!


  7. I am scheduled to work the 27th, and now my son and DIL are coming in Sunday morning.. Sigh!
    Hooray for a nice bonus!

  8. It sounds like you are going to have a hectic few days. Have a Merry Christmas.

  9. Merry Christmas to you and to your family.

  10. You have a busy week ahead! I had a giggle at Levi's gingerbread house--he has his own style.
    Love your blooms and of course, a bonus was so nice. But, you do deserve it!
    Merry and Happy!

  11. Those flowers are gorgeous, have a wonderful Christmas!

  12. Wow you are a busy girl. I'm so glad your new employer values you, as she should. And that your family are so supportive and will fill in the gaps while you're gone. I would have built that house just like Levi did, only I would have eaten everything, haaahaha. xoxo


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