Sunday, December 26, 2021

Day After

 We had a pretty low-key Christmas this year. We were supposed to go to my oldest brother's house for Christmas Eve but his wife woke up sick in the morning (not COVID, just a cold. People do still just get colds sometimes!)  so they cancelled the party.  Hopefully we can get together soon because I hardly ever see my brothers anymore! 

Yesterday we went to Shauna and Brad's because they were hosting Brad's family Christmas. We had fun. I like Brad's family a lot. The boys were so excited to show us what Santa brought them for Christmas! I was, as usual, in the moment and didn't take any pictures! 

Here's a picture of their visit to Santa this year. 

I went to the thrift store a few days ago. 

Remember those Santa Bears that were so popular in the 80's? Like Beany Babies and Cabbage Patch Dolls everyone had to have one!

Not me, though. See what happens to most of that kind of stuff anyway. 

What I can't seem to resist are Dollar Tree signs! 

These are the latest two I just got a few days ago! I think I'm done now. Well, maybe not! Depends on what they get in for the next holiday!

Chris is on a plane right now as I write this and Rich will be picking him up at the airport in less than 2 hours. 

Tomorrow is our little family Christmas. Hopefully I'll remember to take some pictures! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. That’s a cute picture of your grandsons and nice that Santa had a bench for a group photo. I do remember those white bears and I actually have a giant one that I won as a prize in 1990. Have a great celebration tomorrow!

  2. Oh, I think we had some of those bears from the 80s, LOL. My kids loved stuffed animals and my son especially loved polar bears. It seemed whenever he had a choice of getting one, he always picked a polar bear.

    Cute picture of your grands with Santa! I always loved when my kids were growing up to take them to see Santa to get pictures so we could see how much they grew from the previous year.

    I bet you are excited to see Chris and I know you'll enjoy your visit with him and your family get together :) Have a great time with it!

    Happy New Year!


  3. Now I must go to Dollar Tree. I love your signs, and I have quite a few and love buying them. Glad to hear you don't spend the holiday behind your camera, and are in the moment.

  4. Pretty much all my holidays are low-key any more and I'm good with that :) Too bad about having to cancel the party with your brother. Hope you can get together with them soon.

  5. Sorry the first party was cancelled.... yes, the common cold still exists.
    Have a sweet and peaceful week friend!

  6. Girl I hope you kept that phone at the ready and got some pictures to share! I actually remembered to take some, but of the food and table, not actual people, haaahaa! xoxo

  7. Awwwww... have a wonderful time with Chris, Jeanette!! I know you will! I'm sorry all your plans for Christmas didn't happen as you thought they would... but it sounds like you had a blessed time all the same. I hope you get to see your brothers at a "delayed" Christmas gathering. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  8. Our Christmas is low key too.
    I never had any of those bears. Don't usually go for the fad things. My problem is with anything that is old!

  9. Beautiful. Wishing you a belated Merry Christmas. smiles


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