Sunday, January 2, 2022

The Best Laid Plans

As I mentioned in my previous post our Christmas Eve party with my brothers was cancelled due to my SIL not feeling well with a cold. 

So that night we went to Downtown Plymouth to walk around the park instead.  

Every year they have a beautiful, life-sized nativity scene set up. 

And all the walkways are lined with decorated Christmas trees that are sponsored by the different businesses. 

Most of the business were closed including the restaurants. We managed to find a bar and grill that was open. The food was mediocre at best, but the service was good, and we left the server a big tip for having to work that night! 

The night wasn't a total bust though! Yum! 

I also said on my last post that Chris was on a plane on his way here but that was an unintentional lie! He was supposed to be on the plane but apparently Delt@ had trouble issuing him a boarding pass, so he had to reschedule his flight for the next day and called and let us know on his way back home. Ugh! 

The following day there were the same issues. He couldn't get a boarding pass online so he drove to the airport, where they still couldn't issue him a pass! So he was not able to fly that day either!

Needless to say, he will be flying free for the next year! 

Apparently, they finally got it straightened out. He should be coming into town sometime this week in time for Maxwell's 5th birthday party on Saturday.  

So we still went ahead with our little family Christmas on Monday with Shauna, Brad and the boys. Once again, I didn't take any pictures! 

On Wednesday, Rich's sister Judy, who lives in South Carolina and was spending Christmas with her daughter came to stay one night with us before having to fly out on Thursday.  Her daughter and husband and two boys stayed for pizza, and Shauna and the boys came too. To make room in the driveway for everyone's cars, Rich parked my car in the street. 

And of course, keeping with the mess this holiday has been so far, the neighbor across the street hit it while backing out of his driveway! 

It's not a very big ding, but Rich had to pull it out a little so we could open the door. Guess I'll be calling our insurance company! I'm thankful for an honest neighbor, though. He came to the door to tell us, gave us all the information we needed for our insurance company. He could have just driven away and never told us and we would never have known who hit our car.  There was not damage to his bumper at all. So kudos to him. 

New Year's Eve we stayed home and as usual we were asleep by midnight. I only woke briefly when gunshots or fireworks were going off outside and a few people sent messages. Please don't envy my wild and crazy life!!

Kate hired a new person at work, and she will be training her for the next two weeks. I will be working Tue-Fri 3-6 both weeks so she can train during the day shift. 

That is all for now. Saturday Maxwell turns 5 years old! How time flies! 

I wish you all a happy, healthy and blessed 2022! Thank you for reading!

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. Imagine having a life sized Nativity Display! Wow! Not cancelled by the "Woke" people!

    Merry Midwinter Wishes

  2. That display in the park looks really nice.
    Too bad about all the mishaps throughout your holiday.

  3. I am sorry about your car, but glad it was not worse, and that you have an honest neighbor. Gosh, thousands of flights have been cancelled now. Glad to know that several of you were still able to get together and celebrate!

  4. Oh for crying out loud on the flight issues! I’ve never heard of a boarding pass issue and don’t understand. Was there a seat for him? Most people seem to use their phone for their pass, so I’d think the airlines could have had a work around, but honestly I feel as though technology has made us go backwards in some respect.

    Glad you have an honest neighbor!

  5. I love that Nativity!
    Sorry about your car, but as you said, good you have an honest neighbor.
    I had a niece flying in from New York on Christmas. She was offered some good money to wait, but she would have missed Christmas, so she turned it down and made it home in the afternoon.

  6. That is the biggest nativity scene I have seen!! It is cool! How fun too with the trees being decorated by the businesses in the area. That would be neat to see in person! Wow, I had heard that airlines were having trouble with staffing issues, causing flights to be canceled, but it seems like a nightmare for Chris if he wasn't even able to get a boarding pass! Glad it is getting worked out and he will be able to travel by air free for 2022! Ouch with the car, but thankful for honest neighbors! I do think some servers do like working holidays as they know potentially people will be more generous with tips and the like :)

    The little ones do grow up so quickly, don't they? My grandson turns 6 next month. It doesn't seem possible!! Happy early birthday to Maxwell!


  7. I'm so sorry Chris was caught up in all that airport MESS across the country, Jeanette. I was seeing news clippings on it. OMG!!! The only shining light about it is he gets to fly free in 2022, eh? But still.... what a mess! Happy New Year, my friend. May it be a good one for all of us. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  8. Jeanette! Your car! Ugh! But yes it's a good thing you have an honest neighbor. The only time my Cadillac has been dinged, TG did it! Yes! To be clear, I was technically not supposed to be there, and it was dark. But still! Ugh! I HATE car stuff! Well anyway, here we are in 2022 and Maxwell will be turning FIVE! What an occasion. Don't forget to take pictures! xoxo

  9. Your Christmas Eve looked pretty even if it wasn't what you had planned.
    SO very sorry about the two missed airplane flights--that is the biggest bummer.
    Your poor car, but as you said how nice it is to have an honest neighbor.

    I hope we see some birthday pics soon. Happy new year!
    Oh, I was asleep by 11pm on NYE. I've got you beat.

  10. This travel fiasco is just the pits, truly! The dented fender is disaster, but fixable. I guess.

    Love the lights along your nighttime walk.

  11. Goodness! Sorry about the troubles trying to ruin your holiday…but the display is cool!
    Happy 2022!

  12. I'm so sorry for the crazy change in plans that the airlines did to your Christmas with your family. I'm happy to hear that he will still be able to come for a special birthday party. How wonderful that your honest neighbor let you know about the little ding. We watched fireworks in our little community on New Years, came home, and barely stayed awake long enough for the clock to hit midnight, and then we were in bed, ha! Thank you for your kind visit, and I pray the Lord's best for you and your family in the new year :)


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