Monday, January 10, 2022

Plans and a Birthday Boy

Chris has not made it to Michigan yet. He planned on coming in for Maxwells birthday party, but his girlfriend got COVID so he's going to be laying low for a while. She's pretty upset because all this time she has been safe working from home. Her office decided she needed to be in the office 3 days a week and here she gets infected! Luckily, she just has mild symptoms. 

Who knows when Chris will finally get into town! 

Saturday was Maxwell's birthday and party

He got a lot of Lego building sets and Rich and I got him an age-appropriate electrical connection kit (using batteries) and he loved it. He's got a very technical mind for a 5-year-old and figured things out pretty fast.

Levi was having fun playing with Maxwell's creations, too! 

Then it was time for singing and birthday cake! 

I may have mentioned before how great a birthday song singer Levi is, but he really is! He was singing his heart out to his brother! 

It was a lot of fun!

In other news, I made this Winter wreath for my front door using an old scarf and some white Poinsettia decals that I had. I think it turned out pretty cute and goes well on my blue door! 

My work schedule changed again and now I am working 11-3 Tuesday through Thursday and 3-6 Friday next week. Kate has young kids and their school schedule is forever changing, lately due to COVID. I'm glad I can be so accommodating for her! 

Speaking of work, Kate sent me an article from the National Institute of Health that they are finding out that "Cannabidiol (CBD) Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Promotes the Host Innate Immune Response" In other words, CBD can stop the virus from replicating and boost the body's ability to fight it! That is exciting news. If that information would ever hit the MSM she would not be able to keep the shelves stocked! We shall see!

That's it for me now. Hope you all are doing ok!  

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. What a beautiful baby! Hope he had a super birthday!
    Is that the real CBD or the junk they sell over the counter here?

  2. I like your winter wreath!

    I caught covid in America last week. Fortunately I've had all of my vaccinations and wasn't too bad. I hope Chris's girlfriend recovers quickly.

  3. So sorry that your Chris still has not made it home! Hoping that happens soon for your family! What a wonderful birthday party! Max and Levi are precious, such sweet grandbabies! So wonderful to be with them. There are so many treatments that do work to treat the virus. I'm hoping, like you, that these things will be made known, and that the controlling reign of fear will end. Blessings and hugs!

  4. Happy Birthday Maxwell. Looks like he had a great birthday party. Too bad Chris couldn't make it. I hope his girlfriend is feeling better soon.

  5. What a bummer on Chris still not being able to visit. Your grandson sounds really smart for a five year old!

  6. Happy Birthday to Maxwell a little late.
    Today is my youngest grandsons birthday - 16!!
    The winter wreath is so pretty.

  7. Happy Birthday to Maxwell! Looks like he had fun - and Levi too!
    Cute wreath too!

  8. Happy birthday to your sweet Maxwell; both boys look like they're having a great day there.

    What a bummer about Chris and his girlfriend. This virus is just killing all the good fun!

    So, CBD helps? Yeah, we'll never read about that on the news! Are you trying something to be proactive? You'll have to share with us. How sweet that Kate has someone like you who can accommodate her ever-changing schedule; what a life saver you are!

  9. Sweet little guys! Happy Birthday and do do da do...Baby Shark. 🐠

  10. Oh no! I was hoping to read that Chris had made it home and it was a great birthday celebration for Maxwell with him being here! So sorry to hear about his trip being postponed yet again! I do hope his girlfriend feels better soon! Looks like a fun birthday party for Maxwell and what great gifts he got!

    I do like your wreath you made!! It does look good against the blue door!

    It is nice you can be so accommodating with your work schedule. I am sure Kate appreciates it. That is very interesting information about CBD and the virus. I'll have to look into it. I know we are definitely looking at CBD for the dog for the 4th of July with the fireworks :)


  11. Awwww... how blessed Maxwell was on his birthday. He must have been a really good boy all year long! :-) He's absolutely precious... I love that age! I'm so sorry about Chris not making it home to Michigan, Jeanette. :-( And I'm sorry about his girlfriend getting COVID. I pray she gets better real soon. I believe there's a lot about CBD that's not yet discovered. Doctors don't want people to know about the healing properties of something that is so easy to get!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  12. She with the covid.... mild symptoms... She's lucky and it sounds like the latest variant (pronounced "imacold") -grin- Lucky gal!!!

    We all will get his hopefully. A mild one. And get immunity.

    Cute Birthday Boy!!!

    CBD hu? Now do you REALLY think that the 2 big Drug Companies will allow this info, to be spread???????????? Watch for the MSM news, that this is another FALSE story!!!!! Just watch.

    Merry Midwinter

  13. Happy birthday to Maxwell! Too bad Chris couldn't make it, but hope his girlfriend is all better by now. Enjoy the weekend!

  14. I also read a long while ago, smokers build up immunities faster. Of course that is/was debatable.

    Sweet birthday boy. Love that brother sang to him.

    Hope this covid doesn't travel thru your household/family

  15. Cute and clever door wreath! Perfect for winter and looks great on your door. A belated but no less sincere Happy Fifth Birthday to Maxwell! xoxo

  16. Adorable birthday boy! Love his big grin. I read that about CBD too and wondered how true it was. Who knows what to believe these days! Hope Chris's girlfriend is doing much better.


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