Monday, January 17, 2022

Cold and Handy

It's been pretty cold the last few days and it's also been windy, which really makes it pretty uncomfortable to be outside. Those of us who live in colder climates know that the wind can make all the difference. 

It used to be buy this time in the Winter my body had adjusted to the colder weather and being outside wasn't so hard. These last 5 years or so it's taken me longer and longer to get used to it!

Although I have lived in and loved this state all of my life, and will always consider myself a Michigan-girl, I am no longer adverse to moving to a warmer climate. I always tell Shauna that I'm ready when they are! They would have to move, too, because I don't want to be away from my grandsons! 

Anyway, at least we don't have a ton of snow right now!

I bought this Ninja blender about 6 months ago. It's pretty powerful so it has suction cups on the bottom to keep it steady while it's blending. The problem is I have to put my finger underneath and break the suction and pick it up every time I move it, which is pretty much every day to make my morning smoothie! 

I saw this little appliance caddy on the internet so I thought I would order it from Amazon and give it a try. It is mostly advertised for coffee makers that have to be moved to fill, but I figured it would work just as well for my blender. 

It actually works pretty well! The suction cups don't stick to it, and I was a little worried that it would shake itself right off of the caddy but it stays put.  Plus, it's nice not to have to keep prying suction cups off of the counter! 

Rich and I both had birthdays and now I am the proud owner of a Medicare card! 

I'm back to my regular work schedule this week. It will be nice to be in my regular routine again. I do really like my job and Kate gave me a small bonus for helping her out these past two weeks. I definitely feel appreciated! 

I'm starting to think about my Photo A Day February project that I do every year. Maybe I can come up with some kind of a theme this year.  

Thats about it for me for now! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. How did you guys manage to keep out the snow? We had 18 inches overnight! It really does seem like I can’t adjust to the cold anymore, too.

  2. Happy belated birthday to you and Rich!! I'll be joining you with a Medicare card later this year :)

    I like the appliance caddy you got for your blender! Glad it is working out for you too! My son/DIL have one of those Ninja blenders and they do like it.

    I know what you mean about the wind, especially when it is cold. It just goes right through you and sucks out any warmth you might have had. I do think the older we get it is harder to tolerate the extremes of the weather, whether it be hot or cold. I know we bumped up our thermostat a degree from last year (previously 70 degrees up to 71 degrees) because we were feeling a chill at times in the house. Same with the air conditioner. We bumped that down from 79 to 78 because it was feeling stuff at times here.


  3. This was such a good idea! Congrats on the Medicare, no more co-pays!

  4. Oh yes, that wind can make a huge difference. We got blasted with the snow here yesterday too. Lots of closings and things that were open were closing early.
    That's a handy gadget for your ninja.

  5. Thanks for the smiles. We have already packed up the small kitchen appliances including the Ninja.---oh and I have been getting AARP and Medicare stuff in the mail--I will be 55 in March. How is that possible? grin

  6. Yes, I agree with you about the cold, my friend. My bones don't like the cold anymore either, most assuredly. But I won't be moving out of this area as I'm even less a fan of the heat. Besides, most warm weather areas have cancer rates that are through the roof and I believe it's because of all the pesticides and anti-mold agents they need to spray because of the hurricanes and over abundance of bugs in the warm climate. My brother, who moved to Florida in 2003, said a monthly pesticide agency bill is as necessary as the monthly energy bill or house payment. That brother... and his partner too... ended up with cancer about 5 years after they moved down there. My brother died from it and his partner is still battling. No thanks. I think if a body has lived in a warm climate all their lives, they're used to the pesticide load on their system. But folks who move from someplace cold just aren't used to that. At least that's my armchair analysis anyway. *lol* ~Andrea XOXOXO

  7. Warmer does sound better, the older we get. -smile-

    But those warmer days, turn into 'scorchers,' when summer comes.


    Merry Midwinter Wishes

  8. I can't imagine living in a cold climate for those lonnnnng Michigan winters.
    I have one of those Ninjas too and YES, they do stay put!

    Happy belated birthday to both of you; I hope you celebrated!

  9. I'm still a Michigan girl, although I really hate this cold! I don't think I could move away from family.
    Your appliance garage looks like a winner!

  10. Happy belated birthday!!
    I know you northerners laugh at us southerners about 40° being cold, but it IS!! Growing up in Colorado, you just don't realize how humidity factors in until you live it. Here, 40° = 20°F in feel like temps.

    Stay warm

  11. Jeanette I know just what you're going through! My girls gave me that same Ninja blender for my birthday last year. I love smoothies! And yes the suction cups stick to the countertop and I have to pry mine off every time I use it, because I store it in a cabinet! I wish I had room to leave it on the counter, but I just don't. It amazes me that your Ninja does not shake itself off of the caddy, with the feet not sticking. Mine still moves on the counter when I'm blending, even with the suction feet. I think I pack it too full, haahahha! I like a really big smoothie! xoxo

  12. It seems I never adjust to the cold either. It's been in the 30s an 40s here and it just feels so damp and cold! The wind does make it so much worse. The wind chill has been in the 20s and teens. Cold for the south for sure! (PS: I had to move my blog - find me at


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