Tuesday, February 15, 2022

February Photo A Day #15

I am not a person who has to have designer clothes or shoes or anything with a particular label on it. What few designer items I do own have been bought from a thrift store or garage sale. 

About 15 years ago I bought this handbag at a garage sale for $10. 

It's a vintage Coach crossbody called a Rambler.  A lady was selling it for her daughter who had moved out and wanted her to get rid of whatever she left.  It's genuine because I had it checked out. 

I've seen these on sale online for anywhere from $150 to $325. I'm not selling it though.

I've been using it for years because it's the perfect size for a crossbody and great for traveling and such. 

I want to restore it soon and have been watching videos on how to do it. 

As a side note: A few years ago I purchased a knock-off Louis Vuitton handbag at a flea marked for $5 and sold it at my garage sale a few months later for $50. 

I could do that for a living! 

See you tomorrow! 


  1. I do love designer handbags, but all of mine have been gifts. They hold up extremely well! I’ve had my Coach for 25 years and it still looks great.

  2. That looks like a really nice purse, Jeanette. As you said, the perfect size & all that. I'm so glad you got a deal on it and it works out well for you. Yes, you missed a career opportunity! *lol* ~Andrea xoxoxo

  3. What a great find with that purse! I too have thought about buying things and trying to resell them for more but haven't figured out how to make it all work out. My SIL goes to a lot of estate sales. She knows what to look for. Then she sells them on EBAY.


  4. Gosh, I do a lot of thrift shopping, but have never found such huge designer deals as this!!

  5. I don't think I've ever bought designer anything but for that price I would have bought it.

  6. The purse looks like a nice one and a designer one for just $10 is such a great deal.

  7. You did good! I never find deals like that!

  8. It's vintage and it's lovely. Funny about the knock-off LV

  9. I'm like you - I buy what is practical for me. Sometimes I wish I could just find a fanny pack. Since my rotator cuff surgery, and even before that, heavy purses are not for me. I do have a very small cross-over purse. Just big enough for my key, my cell phone, and my debt card.

  10. Nice purse! I too am a thrifty shopper. I don't own anything designer at all! lol If I did, it would come from Goodwill or a second hand shop.


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