Wednesday, February 16, 2022

February Photo A Day #16

This is the display chalkboard at work. 

This was created by Janise, one of the employees who also happens to be a local artist. She's painted murals all over Plymouth. I think she's super talented and always does such a nice job! 

See you tomorrow!


  1. I think most people don't realize how incredibly difficult mural painting really is. This sign is beautiful, Jeanette. Janise is very talented! ~Andrea xoxo

  2. That is a cute sign! She is very talented! Great she can use it around the city too.


  3. I could never make something this pretty!

  4. Beautiful work.

    But, what does it mean?

    😏😏 My Icon is not me! 😏😏

  5. This is nice...and I like the concept

  6. I'm envious of her artistic talents!


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