Wednesday, February 2, 2022

February Photo A Day #2

 I've had these photos in this frame for many years. 

That is Rich's mom and dad on the left and my parents on the right. 

Rich's mom moved by herself from Ironwood, Michigan to Detroit, approximately 600 miles, and met his dad on the streetcar where he was a driver. 

My mom was a typist in an office in Detroit and my dad was the elevator operator. 

Don't they all look so young and happy?

See you tomorrow!



  1. Such beautiful photos. smiles. Have a beautiful day, friend.

  2. What sweet pictures! I always enjoy hearing how couples met. My mom was a telephone operator and my dad was a telephone installer. They met while he was on assignment in a different city.

  3. Your Mom was just gorgeous!

    This is so nice, to find and put these old photos, on your blog!

    Thank you, Tom
    💗 🏈 💗 🏈 💗

  4. They sure do look young and happy. Both beautiful couples too!

  5. Yes indeed, both couples look so young & happy!! And beautiful too!! Your mother-in-law sure had a lot of guts moving so far away from family, that early in life, all alone. WOW! How amazingly strong of her! ~Andrea xoxo

  6. PRECIOUS photos and even more precious memories! My mother's only maternal aunt met her husband during WWII when she went down to meet a train of soldiers arriving and see what was worth looking at. Uncle Harold, with a head full of wavy hair, spotted her cute little self and the rest is history! xoxo

  7. They are gorgeous photos! And they DO look so happy!

  8. Sweet pictures! I love how they all met! Looked like they were truly happy. Did both couples have long marriages?


  9. Yes, they do look happy. Those are wonderful photos

  10. Beautiful couples who made beautiful children.
    Can you imagine now what their professions would be? Streetcar drivers, typists, and elevator operators are no longer around.

  11. I'm way behind! But I love this photo of the day project. Those are great photos and they do look so happy!! Simpler times back then too.


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