Thursday, February 3, 2022

February Photo A Day #3

 It's been cold and snowy here for the last month so here's a picture from warmer days!

This is the view of Lake Manuka from the porch of the Airbnb we stayed in over the summer. 

If I look long enough, I can almost feel the warm breeze coming off of the lake! 

See you tomorrow!


  1. I’d love to feel a warm breeze today! They have preemptively closed everything here.

  2. Oh how beautiful, Jeanette! I think I can feel those breezes too, right through the picture. I love the tulip carved out of the railing slat! ~Andrea xoxo

  3. That's a pretty one! Wonderful memories. xoxo

  4. Oh, what a wonderful looking place to stay!

  5. Lovely memories....

    🌺Thank you Dear Commenters🌺

  6. So serene! Gorgeous! Would make a pretty puzzle to put together!

    Stay warm if you can!


  7. What a beautiful view. I thought I felt the warm breeze too but it turns out the furnace kicked on and the warm air was coming from the register :)

  8. Yes, it's been so cold. This view looks wonderful!

  9. What an amazing view; I'm sure you look back on that trip with great memories.


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