Friday, February 4, 2022

February Photo A Day #4

 This is Zoe

We had her for 17 years. She was the only cat we ever had that wanted nothing to do with the other cats. She spent pretty much her whole life avoiding them! She only liked us and she was the sweetest, most affectionate cat we ever owned. 

She got very sick about 3 months after we moved to where we are now and we had to help her cross the rainbow bridge. 

I still miss her but what I miss most are those gorgeous eyes! 

See you tomorrow!


  1. Those are definitely pretty eyes!

  2. Aww...I am so sorry...sending you lots of hugs and love.

  3. Oh, yes, those eyes!! Heart broke, I'm sure...but those good memories will last a lifetime!!

  4. She is a beauty for sure. It's amazing to me how cats have such varied personalities. We've had some who loved us to death and some who saw us merely as the 'feeders'. :)

  5. Oh yes, those beautiful eyes, Jeanette!! I bet you do miss Zoe! I dreamed all night last night of my deceased Mistletoe. It seemed like the dreams went on for hours! We had to help Mistle over the bridge too but in my dreams he was lost outside. :-( I spent the entire night looking for him outside and being so worried about him. In my dreams he had been gone for months but I still was looking for him. Ugh! Anyway, I love this picture of your Zoe... what a beautiful beautiful kitty. ~Andrea xoxo

  6. She is gorgeous and I've never seen such beautiful eyes!

  7. Oh my word she was so sweet! I love my cat so much. Cats can be so precious. xoxo

  8. Yes, the eyes are the first thing that grabbed me. She is so gorgeous, and I am so sorry.

  9. What a beautiful kitty!! I Do love those eyes too...

  10. Oh yes, what beautiful eyes!!!!!!!!


  11. She was so pretty! I love her eyes!! It's always hard when we lose a beloved pet!!


  12. Those are gorgeous eyes. I had a cat who looked a lot like her. He was not a cuddle cat. He would allow you to pet him but don't even think about picking him up. He would come and sit by you IF he was in the mood.

  13. We had 2 beautiful cats and I miss them too!

    What a beauty!

  14. She is so pretty and what gorgeous eyes!!

  15. Awww what a sweet kitty. Sorry for your loss - we never forget them. She had such pretty eyes. I've had several similar striped tabby cats.


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