Tuesday, February 22, 2022

February Photo A Day #22

 This is Ginger. She is the last dog we ever owned. 

We went to the Michigan Humane Society and asked to see a dog that had been there for a long time.  That is how we found Ginger who was 10 months old at the time. She was all ears and paws! She was completely housebroken and already knew how to sit, stay and shake both paws! Someone worked a lot with her and then surrendered her because they were "moving"! 

She was the best dog and also the last dog because when she got old and sick and we had to help her over the rainbow bridge, it just about killed me! 

I still miss her!

See you tomorrow!

P.S Happy 2-22-22!


  1. What a lovely pet -family member. I prefer to say family member. I think our dog actually thinks he owns us, grin.

  2. What a sweet story. It is the hardest thing to say goodbye to them. We always miss them too.


  3. She was adorable and I'm so glad she had a wonderful life with you!

  4. Awwwww... what a precious & lucky dog Ginger was. Rescue another, dear friend, when the time is right. Ginger would want another animal to feel the love she did, and to be given another chance for a great life. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  5. Awww, but you did save her quite a bit of pain. Sounds like she was just perfect.

  6. Ugh I understand. Rudyard Kipling warned in a poem about giving your heart "for a dog to tear" ... because they sure do tear your heart out when they go. God bless them. Ginger was beautiful. xoxo

  7. Ginger was beautiful. Sounds similar to a dog I rescued from being euthanized. I saw a Facebook post that this dog’s time was running out. It was a Friday. They were closing in 15 minutes so I called them and told them I wanted her. She was 10 years old - her name was Daisey and we were blessed with her for 2 years before she left us.

    That’s the thing with having animals that you love - they don’t live forever and when they pass it tears out your heart.

    But for everything they give back is worth it to me. I can’t imagine not ever having a cat or dog or both to live and spoil.

  8. Ginger was beautiful. Sounds similar to a dog I rescued from being euthanized. I saw a Facebook post that this dog’s time was running out. It was a Friday. They were closing in 15 minutes so I called them and told them I wanted her. She was 10 years old - her name was Daisey and we were blessed with her for 2 years before she left us.

    That’s the thing with having animals that you love - they don’t live forever and when they pass it tears out your heart.

    But for everything they give back is worth it to me. I can’t imagine not ever having a cat or dog or both to love and spoil.

  9. We got our best dog ever from the pound too and like you I still miss her so much.

  10. We have 3 dogs now..the older one has bowel problem that we have to bring him to the vet twice to remove his poo. He is now on pumpkin diet.

  11. It always breaks my heart that animals don't live as long as we do. They are truly family members, and such blessings to our lives! Ginger had such a sweet happy disposition in the picture, and I have felt your heartbreak at losing her, as we too have had dogs that are family members pass on. So hard!

  12. Awww..Ginger is a beauty and was lucky to be a part of your family.
    That rainbow bridge crossing breaks my heart each time, but the time with them before is what I try to focus on.

  13. What a cute doggie! I don't understand people who give up their pets for silly reasons. I'd never move anywhere and leave my fur babies behind. We've had several dogs too and it's so hard when it's their time to leave us.


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