Wednesday, February 23, 2022

February Photo A Day #23

Rich and I took an overnight trip to New Buffalo MI earlier this week.  I always have to take a quick look at Lake Michigan while we are there. 

I couldn't get all the way to the lake because of piled up snow and ice. This is off a little inlet in the city park beach. You can see the lake was pretty rough! Even though it was windy it wasn't really cold, at least not enough to stop me from walking up to the water for this picture! 

See you tomorrow!


  1. I feel that way about the Pacific Ocean. Now that I am landlocked, I try and get to the coast once a year. It’s not easy either because we have to take a small road through mountains and depending what time of year, dodging fires or mudslides. Or worse, road closures.

    Those Great Lakes fascinate me. They look so much like an inland sea.

  2. Looks wild and wonderful! How nice that you had a little getaway! xoxo

  3. I have heard this is a huge lake. How far away do you live?

  4. I always enjoy going anywhere there is water.

  5. It's always good to see Lake Michigan. I'm only 20 minutes away from it and stopped to see it last week - it's still frozen here too!

  6. It looked like a nice place for a quick getaway! Hope we hear more about your trip as I have never heard of that city (not that I've heard of a lot of cities in Michigan :)


  7. Oh my gosh, you were 12 miles from my house when you were in New Buffalo, kiddo! Let me know next time & we can meet up... if for nothing else than a quick hug & hello. ~Andrea xoxo


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Mock Fried Rice

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