Thursday, February 24, 2022

February Photo A Day #24

Last week while Rich was shoveling the snow off of our deck he saw what he thought could be a coyote or a wolf (LOL) running up our sidewalk. He scrambled into the house real quick and shut the door!

Turns out it was this beautiful Huskey who had escaped from her house down the street! Her name is Kona and she wanted in our house real bad! 

Luckily, I posted a notice and this picture on our community FB page and her owner came and got her pretty quick! 

See you tomorrow! 


  1. That’s a pretty dog. I can see where one might think it’s a coyote if you’ve not seen Kona before.

  2. Next time you'll know to let her in and keep her safe until the owners can get her. They'd better fix their fence or however she's getting out, eh? ~Andrea xoxo

  3. Glad it was just a neighbor's pretty dog and glad they were able to come get her quickly too!

    Huskies are notorious for running off; they are crazy.

  5. Kona is lovely. My daughter loves huskies and she would have definitely invited her into our house.

  6. Oh poor baby! Glad she got home quickly.

    Also glad your husband took no chances!

    Do you have the scary critters around often?


  7. Beautiful dog! Glad it worked out the way it did and Kona was reunited with her family


  8. Oh, she's a sweetie! 💙

  9. Aww, Kona just wanted to keep warm.

    Does Michigan still have wolves? We only have a few wolf packs here in Northern California. There are wolf cams and they keep an eye on them. They were all but extinct until a wolf pack from Oregon crossed over to California and now we have several packs.

    Wolfs fascinate me.

  10. I am glad she is safe and her owner came right away. Poor pup in the cold weather. Can you beleive February is going to be gone in 4 days? Time does fly. Thank you for this share.

  11. Nice that Kona didn't have to be outside alone for very long.
    She is a pretty dog.

  12. Pretty dog! Glad she was reunited with her owner.

  13. I bet he was relieved when he realized it was just the neighbors dog. Glad she got back home.

  14. Glad her home was found! We have coyotes all over so I probably would have ran inside too.

  15. Awwww sweet baby!!! Huskies are such wonderful dogs, and so beautiful. I follow several husky accounts on Instagram because I love to hear them "talk" haaaha! xoxo


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