Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Random Boring Stuff

There is not a lot going on right now. We are finally starting to get some warmer weather and the last few days I have been able to walk outside on clear sidewalks. 

Shauna sent me this picture of Levi showing off his recycle truck that he made from magnetic blocks. 

In this picture I see a glimpse the kind young man he will be when he's grown. Just the way he's standing and the sweet little smile on his face! 

Chris sent me this picture of his Christmas cactus blooming again. 

It blooms every 3 months! Must be the perfect environment for it! 

Speaking of Chris, he is coming into town on the 24th. We haven't seen him since November right before Thanksgiving so it will be nice to see him again! 

Work is going well. I've been working some extra hours which is fine because we are planning a road trip at the beginning of April, and I need the extra money for gas! 

This Friday we are going to dinner at a restaurant called Parc in Downtown Detroit to celebrate our 45th wedding anniversary. I really would have liked to go on a cruise but I'm not doing any of that kind of travel until after all the mask mandates have been lifted. Having to wear a mask while walking around a cruise ship seems to suck all of the fun out of it for me! 

We had dinner with my brothers and their wives last Friday the 11th to celebrate what would have been my dad's 90th birthday. We'll do the same for my mom in September. It was nice to see my brothers. We don't get together nearly often enough anymore! 

Well that's pretty much it for now. 

Until the next time stay safe and well, my friends! 

P.S I have finally enabled replies on my comments.  If you asked a question in the comments please come back and check. I will answer as soon as I can. 


  1. That is a sweet little smile!
    It was finally warm here today too.
    Happy Anniversary to you. We had our 40th in August, but no big celebrations this year for us either.

    1. For our 40th we flew to Las Vegas. None of that kind of travel this time though!

  2. Levi made a pretty cool truck! a road trip sounds fun! Where will it be?

    1. We're going to South Carolina to see my sister in law with some side trips here and there!

  3. Happy anniversary!! Great accomplishment to get to 45 years!! I looked up the menu at the Parc. If I was going there, lol, I would have the fire roasted sweet corn soup, the king salmon, and the rustic Yukon gold mash. Everything looks delicious though!! Have fun!

    I agree with you about the cruise. If I had to wear a mask, that would take away a lot of fun!

    Levi does have a sweet smile! And very creative with his truck!

    How fun that Chris is coming into town! I know you all are looking forward to seeing him!

    And doubly glad the weather is having a few nice days here and there so you can enjoy some outdoor exercise!

    Fun with the road trip too! Good idea to work extra for gas money! Hopefully though it might come down. Right?


    1. I was looking at the menu too! Everything looks so good it will be hard to decide! Yes, I am hoping the gas comes down at least a little before we go!

  4. What a cute picture of Levi.
    Congratulations on 45 years. I hope you enjoy your anniversary celebration.

  5. I’ve never seen magnetic blocks that big. He did a nice job! That’s a nice idea to celebrate your parents’ birthdays with your siblings. Congratulations on your 45th Anniversary!

  6. Ahhhh, she is OK!!!!! Something I think I asked. -smile-

    What an adorable little boy!!!! And a super project.

    Nice to be planning a little trip. And to be getting together with family.

    Yeah! Having to wear masks on cruise ships! I read that. Wonder how many people KNOW this, before they 'plunk'down their money to cruise???? LOL.

    Btw, we never did cruise, and don't desire to.... But I get a kick out of looking for masks, in the tv adds. They don't show many masks, but enough, to say... "We told you." LOL

    🍀💚🍀Happy St. Patrick's Day!!🍀💚🍀

  7. Happy 45th wedding anniversary. Enjoy your special dinner. My kiddos loved those blocks when they were younger. Lots of fun for the little people.

  8. Shauna is raising sweet young men; I love that photo of him.

    WOW on the Christmas Cactus. It must really love where Chris has it; I'm impressed.

    Yay for getting together with your siblings for your parents birthdays; you know they are smiling down on all of you.

    45 years. That is quite a feat. congratulations to you both.

  9. Levi is adorable. I used to look at my kids and try to imagine them grown. Now I look at them both and can see them as a little kid staring back at me.

  10. Levi's little face is so serious and so precious! xoxo


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