Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Back To The Same Old

One thing I want to do is to answer a few questions and address a few comments that were made on my February Photo A Day posts.  I'm just going to mention names but not tag anyone because I am too lazy! I hope that is okay. 

For the post with the photos of mine and Rich's parents. Betty asked if they had long marriages. My parents were married for 48 years before my mom passed away. 

Rich's parents were married for I think about 35 years. His dad was married before and had three kids from his first wife and was about 50 when Rich was born. Rich was only 23 when his dad passed away. 

Andrea was trying to figure out how many cats we have. We have three cats; Smudge, Max and Coco. Smudge is 17 years old and Max and Coco are 15 so they are senior cats. 

Which brings me to why we couldn't let the Husky Kona into our house when she was on our deck. The cats were already freaked out just having her on the porch and Kona was very excited so there was no way we would have let her in! We did however go outside and play with her while we were waiting for her parents to pick her up! It was snowing pretty heavily but not very cold out. She was having a blast running around in all the snow and her heavy coat was keeping her nice and warm! She would run down the street and when I called her name she would run right back to me! It probably took about 15 minutes for her owners to come and get her! She really is a wonderful dog! 

Debby asked if we still have wolves in Michigan.  We have grey wolves, but they are mostly located in the northern part of the state.  I think at the moment it is forbidden to hunt them I'm not sure. It seems to change with every administration! There is a permanent wolf population on Isle Royale, though, to keep the moose population down!  We do have a lot of coyotes around here though and we see and hear them quite often! 

Ginny asked how far we live from Lake Michigan. It's about a 3-hour drive to Lake Michigan. We live much closer to Lake Huron, so we go there more.  We love Lake Michigan for the beautiful sunsets and Lake Huron for the beautiful sunrises! 

Betty asked if my Equinox would be in the shop for long. It was only in the shop for two days. Since the other guy's insurance company was paying for my rental car, they made sure the shop got it repaired pretty fast. I was glad to get rid of the rental car, though.  Yuck!  I mean, it was a rental that had 56 thousand miles on it and all I could think was how many people had driven it. It kind of grossed me out so I hardly wanted to touch anything! I'm weird like that!

I got my car fixed in time to turn it in and lease a new one. 

It's a 2022 Equinox. 

And lastly the results from my mammogram are all good for another year.  

I leave you with a picture of Max and Smudge. 

Laying together on the bed we have by the heat register on the floor! Probably dreaming up new ways to torment their sister!

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends!


  1. Great news on the mammogram results!

  2. What a great post, I feel like I got to know you much better.

  3. Good news!!!!!!!!

    Cute cats.

    ❓One good policy? Just one.❓

  4. Congrats on the mammogram.

    I have to put mine off by 6 months due to the healing of my rotator cuff surgery. They could injure my shoulder. If I had thought about it, I should of done it before the surgery.

    That’s so cool about the wolves. And you have Moose’s as well. The more I hear about Michigan the more I want to go there and visit. There is a lot of natural beauty and that’s what I enjoy most. Not big on big cities.

  5. The Kitties are adorable laying all curled up together! Glad your car is back!

  6. Love the photo of the cats curled up together. They sure know how to find the warm spots in a house don't they?

  7. You are so good at answering all the questions.
    yay for your car being done. I'm not a fan of rental cars either; they usually smell like smoke.
    Love the pic of your kitties all curled up.

  8. Aww, Max and Smudge are so cute. They look like best buds.

  9. Good news for you!
    I haven't seen a sunrise on Lake Huron - need to do that!

  10. Cute car! Yay! I hear you re: rental cars! Gross! Max and Smudge are the cat's meow, haaaha! xoxo

  11. Thanks for answering all these questions, especially mine :) Great news on your mammogram results! Now a relief for another year! Dogs really get into playing in snow, don't they? Our first corgi loved playing in the snow when we lived in Montana but of course hated getting his paws wet in the rain :)


  12. Congratulations on the mammogram results! I'm heading back in this morning so they can take a better view of my R boob...seems I breathed when I shouldn't have...? We also have Asension Providence here in Waco, Tx! Huge outfit now...
    And a New car!! Love it!

  13. Great news about your mammogram and I love all of the additional details about your photos. Enjoy your new ride.

  14. Cats rule,...I live their photo!!I bet the lake trios and seeing sunrises and sunsets is awesome. Love your new SUV!!!

  15. Thankful for the good report on your mammogram, always a blessing! And that your car is fixed and now you have a newer one. We love our kitties, don't we! Trust all is well with you :) Happy Spring!


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