Monday, February 28, 2022

February Photo A Day #28

Well, that's all for my photo a day series! What better way to end it than with a picture of my two favorite people! 

This one was taken last Spring during T-ball season! It's my favorite picture of each of them! 

Thanks for coming along for the month of pictures! I hope you all enjoyed seeing them as much as I enjoyed doing them! In the next post I'm going to address some comments and questions that I got over the month! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. How sweet! I hope my grandson is able to play this year.

  2. BEAUTIFUL. smiles. Have a lovely day, friend.

  3. I’ve enjoyed this photo series. Thanks for all the shares!

  4. Such sweet little faces! I was very late but I did enjoy looking at all of your photo posts.

  5. Precious!

    I have enjoyed your month of Pictures!!!!

    Thank you.


  6. Great finish with those two little cuties.

  7. Great way to end the month of photos. They are so cute!


  8. They are cuties. :) Congratulations on meeting your goal of a picture a day!

  9. Look at those precious boys! My little grandson loved T-ball and now plays regular baseball. He's becoming quite the little athlete and it looks like Max and Levi are too! xoxo

  10. I've enjoyed your photos!
    Cute kids!


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