Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Rinse and Repeat

This is a repeat of a few posts I did about my mother-in-law.  

One when she passed away in November 2010. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all my blog buddies. May we all be thankful for the wonderful people in our lives! My mother-in-law passed away on Tuesday. She died while in her wheelchair, being taken to play bingo, one of her favorite things to do besides Find-a-word puzzles. Her heart just stopped. She was 92 years old. Here's a picture of her and Rich the last time we saw her. Loved that beautiful smile. For this picture I said,"say cheese".

And for this picture I said, "say screw". 

She had a wonderful sense of humor and she loved to laugh! She was always a very proper and religious woman her whole life, but dementia made her a little sassy sometimes!

 I am thankful I had the privilege of being her daughter-in-law for more than 33 years. She will be missed.

And this was a post I did in October 2012 two years after she died. 

 Coming up this November it will be two years since my mother in law passed away.

On the day of her funeral my sister-in-law  handed me a envelope with a couple of notes in it that my MIL had written to me and to Rich many years ago and wanted us to have them after she was gone.

In one she admitted that she was upset when we got married. That kind of surprised me because she never let on in the least little bit. After having a chance to think about it, though, I could hardly blame her. We were way too young to get married at 21 and 20 years old.  Housekeeping was not my thing back then and it probably showed!

By the time we were married for 5 years we already had Chris and Shauna. We were a go-with-the-flow type of family that didn't worry too much about keeping any kind of schedule. Sometimes we went to the grocery store at 9:00 or later in the evening...taking our babies with us. She wasn't real impressed with that!

A couple of them were just little notes that she had jotted down after a holiday or some other time when we got  together and how glad she was to see how much we loved each other and how loving we were with our kids.

In spite of her earlier misgivings about us, she was always loving and gracious to me.

I'm glad she wrote these little notes for us. They are something that I treasure.


  1. She sounds like a wonderful lady.

  2. How special to have those notes. She sounds like she was a truly sweet lady.

  3. What a delightful lady!!!!!!

    And what a lovely thing for her to have done... Write these notes, to be delivered, after her passing.

    And what warm memories, you have of her.

    Also, what a perfect way to die. How lucky she was. And what a comfort this passing was, to her family.

    Gentle hugs

  4. How sweet...she looked like a fun lady... My MIL never liked me...I was the second wife...WITH a two year old son in hand. I wasn't ever good enough for her son. She died on my birthday (a not so sweet thing to do to someone) Larry and I are still married, 50 years this September... It's always made me many times I could have used her support but...water under the bridge now.

  5. She seems to radiate joy in your photos! Seems like she went all of a sudden, and did not suffer. What a deal, to be in your wheelchair, and then all at once in Heaven!

  6. Love those photos, she seemed like a very special lady.

  7. Those notes are real treasures. She does sound like a wonderful woman. My ex husbands mother didn't care for me much and she got little digs in every chance she got. It's a shame she didn't live to see her baby and I get

  8. I can see you were blessed to have her - and her to have you. I love her smile!

  9. That is so sweet with those notes! What a great keepsake in memory of her! She looked like a fun loving woman and did sound lovely! This is a great reminder for us all to perhaps leave something similar to our children upon our passing (years from now of course).


  10. I love that she wrote down her thoughts to share with you, but that she never let on that she had mixed feelings. WOW. What a sweet and considerate mom she was; what a blessing indeed.

  11. Love that you got those notes. What a wonderful memory to have. Thanks for sharing.

  12. This makes me have goosebumps. A treasure that soon became a keepsake.

  13. What wonderful memories! How sweet of her to write you little notes over the years. She must have had a will of steel to keep all of her negative thoughts to herself. Definitely keepsakes and I'm sure you can 'hear' her voice as you read them.

  14. Oh wow, those notes! What beautiful handwriting she had. It is hard when our kids get married, to reconcile all the ways we do things (which is how we taught them to do things and expect them to go on doing things) with the reality that each new family that forms, does things its own way. Good for her, keeping her mouth shut about areas where she disagreed with yours and Rich's methods. She had a lot of wisdom. xoxo

  15. What a thoughtful, special thing to do. She sounds like a wonderful lady and a good mother-in-law.


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