Wednesday, April 27, 2022

More Home Movie Stuff

As I mentioned in my previous post, I took all of the 8 mm reels of home movies my dad had taken and converted them into digital format. 

This is the type of machine I used.  This is a picture I took off of Amazon because my brother has my machine that he borrowed a few years ago and never returned! 

Most of the movies I converted were on 3-inch reels. The machine copies the movies frame by frame. I would set it up with the original film on the left and the film would slowly move through the machine, one frame at a time winding up on the right side. Then I would have to rewind the film back to the original reel.  After that I would take the SIM card out of the machine, load it into my computer and save it into a file before erasing it to use for the next reel. 

I also had a few 8-inch reels that were too big to fit on the machine. Rich came up with this solution.

A pen taped to the top of a tissue box that was taped onto the desk. That got the reel far enough away and it was able to turn on the pen while the film was being fed through the machine! Whatever works, right?  

It was a long process that took me months and when I was done, I had 45 separate files of movies! I put them all on a USB drive. 

I had my brothers and their spouses over for drinks and dinner one night and played all the movies on our TV. It was a lot of fun to watch them all together! Plus I gave them each a USB drive with the movies so they could show them to their kids. 

It was worth all the work! 

I thought it would be fun to show you a few shots from some of those movies. The quality isn't great because I just took a picture of my computer screen. 

Me and my mom on my first communion 1965.

Easter 1960. I was three years old. My dad used to get me and my mom corsages every Easter. 

Me on my first birthday, 1958, already getting excited over cake!

This is my mom in the front walking my older brother and my Nonnie in the back walking me. My brother was 3, I was a little over a year and a half old and I don't know if you can tell but my mom was pregnant with my younger brother. 

Here she is in about 1965. 

This is me and my brothers in Mackinaw City that same year. That's my oldest brother Jim on the left, then my younger brother Tom and next to me on the other slide is my youngest brother Don. 

I love looking at these movies and remembering what it was like to be so young and carefree. I grew up in a very loving family and have wonderful memories of those years! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. Oooooooh Jeanette, how lucky you are to having these movies & what a great idea to convert them. I've often told my family that I'd LOVE to see my Daddy moving & talking again, just one more time. All I have are "stills" of my Daddy and not very many of them at that. Oh, to see my Daddy moving would be such a gift. I'm so happy for you, that you have these. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. These are treasures!

    But so much work.

    I'm lazy and I'd have them converted, by a store, and pay for it. >,-)))))


  3. I was particularly touched about your dad buying you and your mom Easter corsages. How sweet! My dad always bought me a special box of chocolates on Valentine’s Day.

  4. Wonderful pics and memories. And YOU are an expert tech!

  5. What a wonderful treasure. My dad always took lots of home movies back in the day. All were lost when my brothers house burnt down. They sure would be fun to watch now.

  6. What a sweet thing for you to do for your brothers. All your hard work will pay off as future generations will be able to enjoy the movies too.
    I love the cute pics of you and your brothers and I giggled about you already getting excited over cake! You're so funny.
    You really did have a great childhood and upbringing; what a blessing.

    I have ZERO video of my childhood. I didn't realize how poor we must have been. LOL. The very first video of me in my life was at my bridal shower in 1991.

  7. Those are nice and good you still have them to enjoy.

  8. That was a lot of work, but having them saved is worth it. They are treasures!

  9. A labor of love you did with this project! I was going to ask you how long it took but you did mention it took months to get it all done. I'm sure your brothers really appreciated it when you gave them their own copy! I didn't realize too what a process it was to convert the 8 mm reels. Fascinating!! Such cute pictures you shared here too. I like the one of you getting ready to celebrate your 1st birthday the best of the bunch!


  10. Wow. What a great project and lots of fantastic memories. Thank you for sharing and enjoy all those trip down memory lane.

  11. Sounds like a great deal of work but worth every minute. How wonderful to have all those memories.

  12. How fun this was for me...and I can imagine how it was for your family! Ya, work, but so worth the effort!!

  13. What awesome memories. Isn't it amazing that all those reels of tape fit on that tiny thumb drive! We didn't have a video camera until the 90s, but I have boxes of cassette tapes. My Dad would often record me and him playing. I bought a converter to transfer them to digital, but it is so time consuming!! I need to just do it little by little I guess.

  14. Wow Jeanette, this is SO awesome! What a wonderful and rewarding project for you. And tell Rich that his solution to the too-big reels is simply brilliant! Well done. I have no such movies of any kind, of either myself and my sister growing up, or of my own children. So I truly envy you for having these treasures! xoxo


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