Saturday, April 16, 2022

Vacation Recap and a Highlight!

Last week we went on a road trip to visit Rich's sister Judy in South Carolina. Because we can't just go straight to SC and back without doing something else fun we decided a short side trip to Tennessee was in order. 

We left Michigan at about 9 am and drove 8 hours south to Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg Tennessee.  Now, I'm well aware those are tourist traps but there are a couple fun things they offer that I wanted to do. 

First of all, they are in the Great Smokey Mountains which are so beautiful you can't possibly go wrong. We only had one full day so we started it with a ride on the Smokey Mountain Alpine Coaster in Pigeon Forge.  This was something I always wanted to do and it was really fun! I didn't take any pictures though. They don't really want to you have your phone or camera on the ride. 

Then we headed into Gatlinburg because we wanted to go to Sky Lift Park. It's basically a ski lift that takes you up to the top of a mountain where there is a store, a restaurant and a bridge to walk across to another store! 

Waiting in line to get on the ski lift. See how it goes up the mountain? 

And now we are on it and I only let go of the bar in front of me to take this picture of the guy in front of us who must have been an appliance repair man! If you click to make the picture bigger you will see what I'm talking about! 

Turns out I'm still petrified of heights! Who knew? I was gripping the bar so tight my hands were sore when I got off! 

This is the view of Gatlinburg from the top. Then we got to walk across this lovely bridge to the other side where there was a building with a store (surprise!)

It's a suspension bridge that moves when you walk on it! It doesn't sway but kind of moves a little side to side. 

There was also a section in the middle that was clear. Before I took this picture there was a girl laying down right on it so she could take a picture below! 

Not me, I kept my eyes straight ahead and walked as quickly as I dared to the other side! Yep, heights are definitely not my thing! 

Luckily, we did not have to walk back across to get back to the ski lift. There was a path that wound down underneath! The we proceeded to the ski lift where I gripped the bar all the way down!

For dinner we went to an area called The Island at Pigeon Forge because I wanted to eat at the Paula Deen restaurant and also to go on the The Great Smokey Mountain Wheel. We didn't get a picture of wheel from outside. 

I honestly don't know why I kept torturing myself because this was really high! The cars were closed in but you definitely got the sense of height and when the wheel would stop and start the car would rock a little! We went around 4 times! More bar gripping for me!!

This is the view from the top so you can see how high it is! We had a great dinner at the Paula Deen restaurant and then called it a night. 

On Tuesday we headed to South Carolina with a few stops along the way. If you have never driven through The Great Smokey Mountain National Park I highly recommend it! It was absolutely beautiful!!! Here's a few pics but they do not do it justice! 

We also stopped at Whitewater Falls in North Carolina. At 411 ft. it's the tallest waterfall east of the Rockies. 

It's magnificent! Anyone who knows me knows that waterfalls are my happy place! I could have stood there all day looking at it! 

We made it to Mauldin SC just in time for dinner with my sister-in-law Judy. 

On Wednesday I had the privilege of meeting Jenny the Pirate from I'm Having A Thought Here! She drove over a hour north from where she lives to meet me for lunch! 

I suspected but now I know for sure that she is as beautiful inside as she is outside! We sat and talked for 3 hours! She mentioned in her post about our meeting that she talked a lot, and she did! But that's a good thing because I'm not a huge talker and need help to carry on a conversation! It was so nice to hear about her beautiful family that I feel like I already know from reading her blog! Her love for her family and her deep faith in the Lord shines out of her like the brightest star! 

Meeting her was truly the highlight of my trip! She is the 4th blogger I've met and I have no doubt we will meet again! Besides, I told her I may crash one of her epic parties some day! 

The rest of our time in SC was spent with my sister-in-law of course! We had lunch at Chic fil A with her daughter and grandkids and walked around Falls Park on the Reedy in downtown Greenville. Nothing crazy, just visiting and enjoying each other's company. 

Here's Rich and Judy standing on the bridge over the waterfall! 

Oh and I can't finish without showing you her dog, Mocha! She's a sweety! 

We left SC about 8:00 Friday morning with the intention on driving half way home and stopping for the night. However, neither of us wanted to spend another night in a hotel room so we drove all the way and got home at about 9:00! It was rough but I was so glad to wake up in my own bed this morning! 

On the next post I will tell you about one very special stop we made in Kentucky that I have wanted to do for a long time! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. Looked like it was a fun trip, Jeanette! I'm with you about the heights though, but way to go for attempting them and living through them, lol :) I've never been to that part of the country so it was fun to see the pictures you posted here :) I love that you got to meet Jenny! It sounded like a wonderful time together! I'm with you. I want to crash one of her parties too! Maybe we'll do it together!

    Glad you got back safe and sound!


  2. Wow, what an adventure! All of this is some of my worst fears! I would probably have passed out long ago. You are certainly brave! What did you order at Paula Deen's, and how was it? I did read Jenny's post about your meeting, how wonderful! You got great pics of all of it!!

    1. I got the Southern Fried Chicken and Rich got the meatloaf. It was fantastic and the sides (mashed potatoes, mac and cheese green beans and broccoli casserole) were also really good!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful trip.

  4. Beautiful photos, and it's always nice to meet up with blogging friends. Have a beautiful day friend and Happy Easter.

  5. I can’t handle heights, but I was okay with them as a kid. I remember visiting some of those places in TN when I was in my teens. It looks and sounds like a really fun trip. Isn’t it great to travel again?

  6. Sounds like you had a great trip! SO glad you got to meet Miss Jenny! Such a sweet lady!
    Love waking up, period...Lolol
    Happy Easter!

  7. Welcome Home!!!

    From a wonderful trip!!!

    Gentle hugs

  8. I haven't been back to Tennessee (where my dad came from) since my early 20's. I know the area - didn't it used to have more trees or am I remembering wrong? I just love the state of Tennessee.

    I would love to go back there - I don't know if I ever will. It has changed so much. Still one of the most beautiful states. Looks like you had fun. We need some fun in our lives.

  9. Found your blog through Jenny! So exciting that you actually got to meet and talk in person.

    I am terrified of heights. Good for you for managing your fears and doing this. I don't think I could.

  10. What a great trip. I laughed at the butt crack. I think he's a plumber. 😳
    I also hate heights and just reading/looking at your pics gave me sweaty palms; are you a sadist? 😊😊

    The smokey mountains are so gorgeous.

    How fun to meet up with a blogger. I also met up with a blogger this past fun is that? VERY!

  11. Girl heights are NOT my thing either, ugh!!! I am so proud of you for doing those height things but I could not have walked across that bridge. Huh-uh. Nope. You are much too kind regarding me but I must say, meeting you was the highlight of my week. It was just so special. I do monopolize the conversation but you are an excellent listener so it's all your fault, haaaha! YES we will meet again, either there or here, or somewhere in between. I am so glad you enjoyed every minute of your vacation and I don't blame you for wanting to get home to your own bed. xoxo

  12. Oh and I meant to say, you are always welcome at any one of my parties! Take your pick, haaahaha! xoxo

  13. Hi, nice to meet you here, I came over from Jenny the Pirate's blog. You sure had fun when you met. I am not a fan of heights either, good for you for daring to have the experiences and see amazing views.

  14. My Daddy loved Pigeon Forge & Gatlinburg! I'm sure it's much more built-up now than it was back years ago but still... wonderful all the same. I'm so glad you got to meet your blogging friend. You're going to meet THIS blogging friend one day too, dear heart. We live too close to one another for us not to meet-up at least once. If you're ever in New Buffalo again, please let us know. We'll treat you & your hubby to lunch at Redamak's! :) ~Andrea xoxoxo

    1. Most definitely, Andrea! I would love to meet you!! I will let you know the next time we are there! We go twice a year usually!

  15. Looks like a fabulous time! We visited the Smoky Mountains for the first time almost exactly a year ago. I'm afraid of heights also and some of those mountain roads scared me!! lol! I'd like to plan another trip there but I don't know when. How cool that you met a blogging friend.


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