Thursday, August 18, 2022

Metal Detecting Treasures In The Past

As I mentioned in my previous post Rich and I started metal detecting again. We used to go all the time a few years ago and then stopped going for some unknown reason. I guess Rich just lost interest in it. 

We used to go to all the different parks by our house and a lot of state parks, too. 

I did not keep track of all the coins we found but there were a lot. There is a particular park by our old house that has a small amphitheater and on the lawn surrounding it we found at least $10 worth of quarters! 

We also found other things besides coins, and this is what I am going to show you in this post. 

We found this pin at a playground by the swing sets. 

We found this knife while metal detecting but not with the metal detector. It was actually just stuck in the ground!  

This ring looks like it could have had some kind of stone in it at one time. We dug and dug looking for the stone but didn't find it.  It's silver and has some heft to it so it may be worth checking the value of it. 

This old Cub Scout neckerchief slide. I had to google that because I had no idea what it was called.  

These rings, none of which are valuable. If they were they wouldn't be around anymore! The one on the right has a small fake diamond in it.

These are all the wheat pennies we found. None of them are worth more than 5 cents but I still kept them. 

And various other miscellaneous things like keys, foreign coins and tokens, dog tags, bullets, religious medals, buttons and pins. 

I really enjoy metal detecting. I don't actually use the metal detector because the way you have to hold it hurts my elbow for some reason. Rich is the detector and I'm just the digger, which is the more exciting part I think! 

One thing we've learned is you can be looking right at a coin in the ground and not see it because it's the same color as the dirt! 

And we always try to make the spot we dig look exactly how we found it. I also wander around and pick up any garbage I see. 

Next post I'll show you what we've found so far this year. 

Until then stay safe and well my friends!


  1. Sounds like fun!!!

    Humans are wired to love to FIND things, I think...


  2. Oh this will be fun to see. Can’t wait!

  3. Now you have got me wanting to do this! I will check their prices on Amazon. The knife is amazing, and I am guessing it would be worth the most money.

  4. How exciting! Maybe that's what I need to do instead of working in the yard so much. I'm glad y'all are taking it up (so to speak) again. :)

  5. So cool! I would love to do that! Wouldn’t be thrilled with finding bullets, though!

    1. Yes, we were at a state park that has a shooting range. These were found by the volleyball court though! Crazy!

  6. Looks like you guys found some cool stuff. That is a very popular activity behind our house near the school. The kiddos must drop all kinds of goodies because there are folks there on a regular basis.

  7. You've found quite a lot of treasures. I like the knife with the wolves.

  8. It amazing the things you can find. Years ago one of my uncles really got into this. He would save everything, label it and store it away. One time he found a class ring. The initials in it helped him locate the owner.

  9. I think this is so fun! My SIL does this sometimes and has found a few fun things.
    I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of your finds.

  10. A nice assortment of treasures you found over the years! Each has a story behind it (especially the jewelry). Would be interesting to know how they ended up where they ended up! Looking forward to seeing what you have found so far this year!


  11. The pocket knife is really interesting! How fun is that? And I love that you are the 'digger' of the couple. ;0

  12. Nice treasures. Can't wait to see what else you have found.

  13. Now that is my kind of fun! Dan has a metal detector but we never go looking for any treasures...not any more. He used to find more rings off beer cans than anything else. :) I'll show him your treasures. Maybe we could try again.

    1. We do find a lot of pull tabs and bottle caps. It's one downside although we can set the metal detector to not pick up stuff like that!

  14. This sounds like something that TG and I would really enjoy, when the weather allows! A lot like the wandering we do in cemeteries, but you get to unearth treasure! I think metal detecting is fascinating. I have an old friend who is BIG into it! I'm going to do some research into what it would cost to get a decent metal detector! BTW I love that pin in the first picture. I would totally wear that, haahhaa xoxo

    1. You guys would love it I think! It's exciting to find something even if it's just a penny! I'm still waiting to find gold!

  15. You found some wonderful treasures. This sounds like something maybe I could get my daughter into it, and her birthday is coming up soon.

    1. Yes, I highly encourage it! It's a lot of fun and a good way to get outside and a little bit of walking and exercise!

  16. You have some great finds there. This makes me want to get a metal detector too. I can imagine all the things we'd find in the water when the tide is low.


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