Thursday, August 25, 2022

Metal Detecting So Far

We haven't had a chance to go metal detecting much this week because it's been pretty hot and sunny. I'm definitely NOT complaining about that, it just makes it a little uncomfortable to be out there digging for too long! 

Before I show you what we've found so far, I'll show you a little of the process. 

After watching many videos on metal detecting we decided to buy this pin pointer. 

It's proven itself to be worth every penny! 

Here the metal detector is beeping that there is a penny down there somewhere! The detector tells us what kind of metal is in there and approximately how far down it should be. 

Depending on how hard the ground is either Rich or I will dig out a divot of grass. When we are on fairly nice grass, we try to dig a divot of at least 2-3 inches so as to not kill the grass in that spot. We always put it on a plastic sheet. Then we can check the divot to see if the metal is in there or if it's still in the hole. 

In this case the coin was still in the hole, so I used the pin pointer to tell me if we need to dig deeper or to a particular side of the hole. It beeps faster and faster the closer you get to the coin. In this case we had to dig a little deeper and...

there is the penny! Even though it's only a penny it's exciting to find!  

The we put the dirt and the divot back and try to make it look like we never dug there! In this particular spot there wasn't much grass so it was easy! 

Here's what we found so far this year. 

Quarter and some pennies. 

Two quarters, 1 dime, 4 pennies, a button and a Swiss army knife.

Three pennies, one of which is a wheat penny.

We found this unicorn in front of our house. It needs a good cleaning but I think it's copper. 

A few nights ago we went to our favorite park where we have found the most money and this was our haul! Four quarters, two dimes, two nickels and 11 pennies!

While we were there one of the park workers came up to us to ask if we found anything good. He said he sees a lot of people walking around with metal detectors, so we have lots of competition! 

I'm not worried! There's plenty of treasures under the ground for everyone! 

In other news, our son Chris has a new addition to his family. 

Meet Frank! Chris got him from his friend's sister. She has two other cats and Frank was always being picked on by them. He needed to be in a house where he is the only cat! He was relaxed and purring almost immediately after Chris brought him home. I think he realized he was safe now! He will have a good life with Chris who loves cats as much as we do! 

I can't wait until we can get to New Hampshire to meet him!

Until the next time stay safe and well, my friends! 


  1. The pin pointer was indeed a great investment. Continued good luck in your detecting adventures. Frank looks great. Congrats to Chris. Sounds he will be in a much better place.

  2. Sounds like you have a good system using your metal detector.
    Maybe I should take one along on my walk. Haven't found any coins for a while. :)

  3. How fun to find little treasures. Thanks for sharing the process.
    Frank looks like a sweetheart.

  4. That’s funny about the park worker saying he sees a lot of treasure hunters. I have never seen anyone use a metal detector in my life! Well, except my son when he had an amateur one as a kid.

    Unicorns are popular right now, so timely find!

  5. That was fun! I would like to try metal detecting sometime.
    Frank is cute!

  6. Frank is a handsome cat. I'm glad he is happier.

  7. Frank is gorgeous! did you know that Britbox has a wonderful series out called "The Detectorists". It ia a comedy/drama about a club of metal detectorists.

  8. Very interesting, Jeanette, to read about the process of metal detecting! I didn't realize so much was involved with it. I can see why that pin pointer would be very useful! What great hauls you have found! I bet the person who lost the Swiss Army knife was not happy with themselves. Do you put the coins in a special jar to keep track of how much you collect over a period of time? Frank is adorable! I bet he will bring Chris lots of joy and laughs!


    1. I have a box that I keep everything we find in. A few years ago we didn't keep the coins, only the other stuff. This time we're keeping everything so we can know how much money we found when we are done for the season,

  9. Frank is so cute! I love that Chris is going to give him a nice, safe and relaxing home.
    Look at all your treasures! Have you found any really old coins?

  10. I think the oldest coin we've found is from the 1940's. Not old enough to be worth anything.

    1. Well, I'm glad to know that the l940's coin isn't considered to be old enough. That means that I'm not old either. l942 :)

  11. I love the unicorn. Frank is so adorable. I'm glad he found a home where he feels safe and loved.

  12. Awww what a handsome boy Frank is! Looks like you are having fun with the metal detector. That unicorn is the coolest!! My Dad had one and we used to search for treasure at the elementary school across the street from our house. I don't think we ever found much of anything exciting.

  13. FRANK!!!! Awwww.... he looks like he will be a wonderful companion. Sweetie pie!!! I see people with metal detectors too but I never knew how their equipment works. Thanks for explaining, Jeanette. That sounds like a fun pastime. Enjoy your weekend. We'll meet up next time. ~Andrea xoxoxoxo

  14. We watched a lovely drama on our BBC TV called 'The Detectorists' just two men going off looking for long lost treasure, we loved it so much we've watched again. You've had some interesting finds so far, good luck to find that big treasure!

  15. Awww! Lovin' Frank1 Gorgeous eyes...
    I follow people on youtube who find all manner of things with detectors...looks fun!

  16. Oh look at sweet Frank! He will have a great life now, with Chris. TG is always telling Sweetness and Rizzo, as they both sit beside me being petted, that they will never know what a wonderful life they lucked into! I tell him, they know! xoxo


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