Thursday, October 20, 2022

More Estate Sale Stuff and a Random Photo Purge

In the same condo that had the cross stitching there were workshops in the basement and in the garage.

It was very organized! 

In the garage there was all sorts of woodworking tools and equipment. I didn't take any pictures because there were too many people in there. 

I actually felt really bad for the people that had lived in this condo. I heard a family member tell someone that they had to be put in a nursing home. It really looked like they enjoyed many hobbies and had had a rich, full life. 

I'm sure that is true for a lot of the estate sales I go to, but this particular one was so obvious in every room!

In other news, here's a couple random photos from my phone. 

This is the way some guy parked his big truck outside of my work the other day. I watched him park and thought he was going to keep going and come through the glass! As it was, he kept one tire on the sidewalk and look how close he is to the lamppost! 

It's a sign of the times when the little container for sugar packets contains hand sanitizing wipes instead! 

Another sign of the times, kids jumping in leave piles! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. You heard something about the reasons for this estate sale.

    Hope the old folks went to an independent living apartment, or to an assisted living one. And not to a nursing home. Although I think nursing home is an all purpose term, for those who don't know.

    Look at the NEATNESS of that work shop!!!!!! You can't tell me, that a man who kept his work place that neat, was a candidate for a nursing home!

    Soooo, I really hope my idea, is so.

    Although, I doubt anyone who was still able to keep his work shop so neat, would WANT to go anywhere...

    And hope his kids didn't put him in a nursing home, without his consent and are cleaning out his ownings.....

    I don't know of course! Just wondering.......... -sigh-


  2. That is nuts with that truck. I’ve been noticing that people do not know how to park anymore. A lot of doing the opposite of that guy by not pulling all the way in to a spot, making it difficult to get through.

    I’ve not seen the wipe packets, but I actually love that.

  3. I, also, feel really sorry that the couple had to give all this up!

  4. Yes, I too have seen sanitizing wipes in sugar containers ...definitely sign of the times.
    That truck driver is crazy!!
    And, L🍁VE the kids in the leaf pile. I would enjoy that myself, right here and now...if only I could get back up.

  5. What a jerk with the truck parking job. We don't have any leaf piles yet but they are coming soon as the temperatures are going to drop about 20 degrees this weekend.

  6. My husband would have loved looking at all those tools. I'm afraid his workshop is NOT that neat!! :)

  7. Somehow I missed the previous post! I love all the cross stitch. I used to do a lot of that. You did great on that bowl,
    That's a crazy parking job by that truck.

  8. How cute with your grandsons in the pile of leaves! Always so much fun! Wow with how organized those workshops were! Estate sales are sad when you look at all the stuff one accumulated over their life only to have it sold for sometimes pennies on the dollar.


  9. Wow, that's some parking job.
    That pile of leaves looks like fun.

  10. I forgot to say, that second picture reminded me of a set of shelves my dad built in the basement. It held all the coffee cans he used to organize things like nails, screws and such.

  11. Estate sales are a bit sad. That guy needs a lesson or two on parking. Wow.

  12. Awww, the boys look like they're having a ball in the leaves! Such fun. Also you have to keep an eye on men drivers, haahaha xoxo

  13. I suppose we will all end up one day having our belongings out for others to take? Or our kids to deal with?

    I see some of the worst parkers and it always makes me scratch my head.

    Yay for kids playing in leaves!! Happy fall.

  14. Oh my goodness, look how organized that workshop is. My husband uses peanut butter jars like those for the nails and nuts and bolts. I can't believe how that guy parked his truck! So close to the lamp post. Enjoyed all your pictures.

  15. Awe the little's look adorable! I know that must be a lot of fun. Hey, that guy parks like I do except I'd probably have gone right into the office. :)


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