Sunday, January 8, 2023

Random Stuff and a Birthday

I hope you all had a nice New Year celebration! I'm happy to report that I managed to stay awake until midnight! I kept dozing off but forced myself to stay awake. The result of that was then I couldn't go to sleep until after 1:00! Go figure! My sleep issues don't care what year it is! 

I don't make NY resolutions as a rule, but I did write down some things I really want to get done this year:

  • I want to finish scanning my photos. It's a project that I started when I retired and got about 1/3 of the way done before pooping out! I really need to finish that! 
  • Our whole house needs painting on the inside so I'm hoping to get that done before the holidays this year! 
  • I want to paint the trim on our shed and the back steps, which I wanted to get done in the fall but never got around to! 
  • I have about 6 craft projects I've started but never finished, so I'm hoping to get those done! 

I will give it my best and hope my lazy, procrastinating self doesn't take over! Working doesn't help but I only work about 15 hours a week so that's no excuse! 

Anyway, call me crazy but did you know you can iron tissue paper?


It's doesn't come out perfect but good enough to wrap something or stick out of a gift bag! Normally I would just buy new because it's so cheap, but I had particular colors I wanted to use so this worked out good! 

Today is Maxwells 6th birthday. Yesterday was his party! Besides family he had some friends from school too! 

That's about it for now. I'm going to take a small blogging break so I can get ready for the February Photo A Day posts.  It's coming up fast! 

Until then stay safe and well, my friends! 


  1. I have a number of painting projects on my list this year too. Happy Birthday to your grandson. So glad you were able to celebrate with him. Looking forward to your photo challenge. Have a good week.

  2. Will this photo a day be on your blog? If so, I look forward to it.
    What a sweet birthday boy!! It's such a precious time in their lives!!
    No I didn't know about ironing tissue paper. Me? Dial 91 and wait... the 2nd 1 will be when I burn the house down.

  3. Wishing Maxwell, a very Happy Birthday (wow look at that cake, grin). Wishing you a beautiful day, my friend.

  4. Happy Birthday to Maxwell!
    I don't do resolutions, but also have projects. I should add photo scanning to my list, cause I need to do that too.
    I find it does help to write it down - then I get to cross it off.
    Enjoy your break!

  5. I did not know that you could iron tissue paper. Wow!

  6. Maxwell's a cutie! Yes, I have ironed tissue paper!! Not because of money, but I was doing a craft project. But it does turn out good enough to use as gift bag decor.

  7. I have been known to iron tissue paper a time or two :-)

  8. I have a lot on my "to do" list as well. Similar to yours. How cute Maxwell is, looking at his cake - they do love their birthdays and cake at their age.

  9. Oh noooo...I think of all that pretty paper that I've tossed over the years!lolol
    Happy Birthday Maxwell!

  10. Happy Birthday to Maxwell.
    I did not need to hear about ironing tissue paper. Now I'll be saving that along with the boxes and gift

  11. Happy New Year, and Happy Birthday to Maxwell! I would not have thought to iron tissue paper :)

  12. Sweet pictures of Maxwell, amazing how fast they grow! I like your resolutions and projects to get done, that is always a good feeling to accomplish things on a to-do list! Painting is not something I enjoy, but this past year I did get my chicken coop painted, which I had been wanting to do for a long time. It feels good to check things off the list, indeed! Have a blessed New Year!

  13. Please read my last post.

    Much Love
    Beside a babbling brook blog

  14. I didd know about ironing tissue paper...I've done it before. :)

    Happy birthday to your sweet Maxwell. The boys are growing up too fast!

    I don't even try to stay up on NYE....wait, is there a prize if I do?

  15. Happy Late Birthday, Maxwell! And, Happy Birthday to you, my sweet buddy! Love you! xoxo

  16. Good luck with those projects, Jeanette. And happy belated birthday to Maxwell. Looks like he scored a pretty sweet cake.

  17. Happy Birthday to Maxwell! And good luck with those projects. xoxo

  18. Oh Jeanette, you should see the stack of pretty tissue paper I ironed and folded last Friday. Because of being sick at Christmas we got presents to open last week. I just can't throw the paper away. I also iron the brown packing paper that comes in packages. A very late Happy Birthday to Maxwell. Those are some good resolutions. I did make just a few.

  19. I can't bring myself to throw away tissue paper or gift bags. I have quite the collection! lol Happy 2023 to you. I have a list of to do projects for this year as well.

  20. 15 hours a week sounds like a great job

  21. Whoa! Wait! Maxwell is SIX already. Time is marching on in a hurry it seems. Such a cutie pie. xoxo


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