Friday, December 30, 2022

Christmas 2022

Christmas was fun. We were able to get together once again with my family after missing it last year due to my SIL being sick. 

Chris and his friend drove in from NH, just one day ahead of the snowstorm that hit us on Christmas Eve. 

It was fun to see my nieces and nephews and their kids. Lots of good food and laughter. Then we drove home in a total white out!

Here's me and my brothers. 

On Christmas Day we went to Shauna and Brads because they were hosting Brad's family. It was nice to see them, too. The boys got lots of stuff from Santa and they showed us everything! It was fun playing with all their new toys and games. And I learned that I am really bad at the game Operation! And also at laser tag because Maxwell was winning every time! 

On Monday I had them, Chris and his friend for Christmas #3! I made a French Toast casserole, and everyone loved it! The boys had lots of presents to open again! These are the only pictures I took! 

I think my New Year resolution should be to get more pictures, especially of family! I'm getting so bad at that, but I guess it's a good thing to be in the moment, not behind my phone! 

Chris and his friend left on Monday afternoon and drove through Pennsylvania before stopping for the night. They had a longer than normal drive because they had to skirt around Buffalo but they made it home safe and sound Tuesday afternoon. 

In other news, our cat Max is being especially needy right now! He always wants to be petted and follows us around a lot. He misses his buddy! 

That's pretty much it for now. We have no plans for tomorrow night just to try to stay awake until Midnight. Last year we slept right through it! 

I want to wish all of you a very Happy New Year! I hope this coming year is all you want it to be! 

Until the next time stay safe and well, my friends! 


  1. "French Toast casserole"


    Sorry to scream, but you said french toast!

  2. Looks like a nice Christmas with family! Glad everyone got there and back home safely.
    I hardly ever take pictures at family gatherings. Everyone is pretty camera shy anyway.

  3. It is good to actually SEE you, and what a really good photo of you and your brothers. Your home looks so lovely.

  4. Poor Max!!

    A great holiday week of celebrating for you & family!! Oh yes, howI remember the game it still a 'board' game, or is it digitalized these days?!!

    Glad everyone made it home safely. This NY storm reminds me of the blizzard of 1948/49.

    Be well & enjoy new years to ring in 2023!

  5. How pretty and festive you look!!!!

    It was wonderful to be able to *gather* this Thanksgiving and Christmas!!! We haven't been able to do so, in years.

    Happy New Year

  6. Sounds like a nice Christmas.
    Happy New Year to you too. :)

  7. Sounds like you had a really nice Christmas. I'm so sorry you lost your Smudge. 18 1/2, he lived a nice long life, but still, it goes by way too fast . I know how much you must miss him. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  8. Sounds like a wonderful Christmas. I keep planning on taking more pictures but when we all get together I always seem to forget.
    I can't remember the last time I was awake for the ball to drop on New Years eve.

  9. I know what you're going through with Max. Years ago we had litter mates and one died at 4 years old from type 1 diabetes after we tried to fight it for 10 months. His litter mate missed him SO much it was hard to watch. I'm glad to hear you were able to enjoy Christmas with your family. I'm going to try to stay up but not sure if I'll make it. Happy New Year!!

  10. Sounds like a nice Christmas for all. So sad to see our ffury critters grieve - breaks my heart. I used to have a roll top desk exactly like the one in your photo. I loved it, my husband did not.

    Anyway, Happy New Year!

  11. Happy New Year my special friend. I'm so glad y'all had a good, blessed Christmas! I'm still in shock that it's 2023, whoa! :)

  12. All three of your Christmas's look lovely. How fun to see all your siblings and kiddos.
    I think being in the moment always trumps taking photos.
    Your sweet kitty is in mourning; totally understandable.

  13. Hey, I forgot to mention, I think, I have a post up with a photo of my newest great granddaughter. Just sayin' LOL

  14. Looks like you had a fun time!

  15. Glad you had a great Christmas, Jeanette, and Happy New Year.

  16. Ooooh we had three Christmases too! I like lots of Christmases. You looked so cute at the party with your brothers! And your table looked so beautiful! Sweet kitty cat needs a buddy! xoxo


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