Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Christmas Shopping and Sad News

My work schedule has finally lightened up giving me a little more time off. Last Monday I went on a Christmas shopping spree and got most of it done. That's my usual MO, to just do it all at one time! I ordered a few things online but mostly I did actual shopping! 

On Saturday we went with the boys to see Santa. 

Poor Maxwell wasn't feeling good but he was a trooper! I think the highlight for Levi was being able to be on this tractor!

We had plans for them to spend that night with us because Shauna and Brad had a wedding to attend. They were hesitant but I assured them Nonnie can take care of a sick little boy! 

Children's cold medicine every 4 hours and a nice nap and he was feeling fine and we had a good time! 

In other and sad news. 

We had to say goodbye to our oldest cat, Smudge or Moogie as we usually called him. He was 18 1/2 years old and he was my lap cat for most of those years. I miss him so much already! Especially when I'm sitting down to watch TV at night when he would always be on my lap keeping me warm (or making me hot in the summer!) Here's a little post I did on him during my February Photo a Day posts. 

Rest well my sweet boy.  

Until the next time stay safe and well, my friends! 


  1. I feel for your loss of Smudge. I still can't get over losing my Rupert and often think it is him walking in when it is actually Rowan. 18 1/2 is a really good age though isn't it. I dread losing my other 4. Keep warm

  2. Oh gosh I am so sorry about your cat - He lived a long good life but it still hurts. They are family.

    Aww poor Maxwell. Glad he's feeling better. Those photos with Santa are so precious. I still have mine and my boys.

  3. I am so sorry about Smudge. We have a senior cat too. Simba is 17. This is a great photo of the boys with Santa!

  4. Time spent with grands is always the best of time! Sorry Maxwell wasn't feeling well, hope he's better. It sure isn't fun to be sick at Christmas. Sorry about the loss of your precious Moogie. We get so attached to our little pets. Hope you have a Merry Christmas!

  5. Oh I'm sorry about Moogie. He reached a grand old age. I bet you do miss him very much as pets are part of the family.

  6. Jeanette, I'm so sorry about Smudge. I'm sure your love was mutual, and he had a good life for all those years with you.

  7. I bet the boys loved staying over.
    I'm so sorry about Smudge. They are part of the family and you really feel the loss. You loved him well for all those years.

  8. Oh so sorry to hear about Smudge. Pets have a way of pulling at our hearts.

  9. So sorry about Smudge. Pets become a real part of the family

  10. I still mourn the loss of my kitty,Tahoe. I feel for you

    The boys are so cute!!!

  11. I am so sorry to hear about Smudge. It's never easy losing a sweet fur baby.

  12. I’m sorry for your loss, Jeanette. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your grandsons.

  13. I love that the boys saw Santa and of course Nonnie can take care of sick little boys.

    My heart hurts for the loss of your Smudge. What a sweetie; you guys gave him such a good life.

  14. Deepest condolences, Jeanette. Sorry for your loss.

  15. I'm sorry the little one was sickly, but so glad he got 'well'. The boys look so stinkin' cute with Santa and Levi on the tractor! I'm very sorry to hear about your sweet cat; it's hard to lose a pet. I remember when our Katie Elizabeth, the schnauzer, had to be put to sleep and they left me in the room with her for a minute. I cried like a baby; those beautiful eyes looking right at me. So, again I'm sorry for your loss. Love to you all, Christmas will be here sooner than I'm ready, and then on the 30th (if things don't change) my 4th great granddaughter will be here, Rylan chose her name: Dallas! xoxo

  16. So sorry for your loss.

    But wishing you a Happy Christmas, anyway....

  17. What is going on, on some blogs????????? Having to sign in with Google.... ?!?! Showing up as ANONYMOUS here?!?!?

    "Beside a babbling brook" blog

  18. Oh Jeanette I am so sorry about your precious cat! Ugh I do not know what I would do without my Sweetness beside me! That is such a difficult sorrow to face any time, but especially at Christmas. Little Maxwell looks just like Dagny did when she spent the day with me on Monday. She just fell over in the recliner and slept with a pillow and blanket for most of the day! I'm glad they're both feeling better now. xoxo

  19. Oh! I'm SO sorry about Smudge! I know how heartbreaking that loss can be...
    I also understand how our kids fear leaving Their babies with us when they are sick!lolol It's not like we don't know what we're doing...really...lolol
    Merry Christmas Friend!

  20. It is so heartbreaking to loose our fur friends. Big hugs for you.
    Love the pictures of your grandsons. Glad Maxwell is feeling better.
    Merry Christmas to you!!

  21. My condolences. He was a very good boy. 💕

  22. Ugh Jeanette, I am so sorry about Smudge! What a heartbreak! I would just howl for days if my Sweetness left me ... or my Rizzo. You really take a chance when you love an animal! I hope you find a new kitty cat to love if that's what you want. And of course Nonnie can take care of a sick little grandson! xoxo


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